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10 Hidden Secrets Many Still Haven’t Found In The Ascent

Starfield Blade Runner

It has been less than a month since The Ascent was released in early August. In just over three weeks, players have discovered a number of hidden items, locations, achievements, and even a few Easter Eggs. Because the game is still new, there are likely hundreds of hidden secrets scattered throughout the city.

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This guide will cover ten such secrets that most players have not yet discovered. Gamers will want to take advantage of the easy achievements. Also, three of the best weapons in the game are hidden in different locations in the city. Follow the tips below to unveil some of Neon Giant's hidden content in The Ascent.

Blade Runner Easter Eggs

Several parts of the map are references to the Blade Runner movies. For example, travel to the Glut in Highstreet and walk toward the end of the map. During the lift up, players will have a wide view of the cityscape from Blade Runner.

Travel into the center of the Glut via the bridge and the building at the end looks eerily similar to the police station from Blade Runner. Perhaps there are even more subtle references, but these are the ones discovered thus far.

The Dealbreaker Minigun

The Dealbreaker is the best gun in the game. However, it is hidden way down in the Deep Stink. The area becomes available midway through the storyline. Those that do not yet have access will need to progress through the campaign.

To pick up the minigun, go down to the Deep Stink and fight up to the top of the map. Then, double back down to the bottom right of the area. The chest with the gun can be seen near the entrance, but it is blocked off. Two chests will appear on the map, and one of them contains the mighty Dealbreaker.

Hygiene Achievement

During the Trace Protocol mission, gamers will find and identify the body of Laura Lanier. While at her apartment, indents can turn on the sink and tub in the upstairs bathroom. Doing so will unlock the "Hygiene" achievement.

It seems proper hygiene is not common among indents in the city. This has to be one of the easiest achievements ever and yet, many people have not completed it. Users should loot the chests upstairs and skill point downstairs while they are there.


The Scrapland is an area that is hidden until people complete a particular side quest. Players will need access to Stimtown, which is granted later in the main storyline. Head over to Nitroad and walk all the way to the bottom right corner of the map. There, gamers will find the EightCo building. Talk to the NPC behind reception to pick up the "Liberation Operation" quest and progress until the objective is "Travel to Scrapland".

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Players will need to go back to Stimtown and speak with an NPC at the huge club with purple lighting. The NPC is by the couches near the "Private" sign. He will grant a new side mission called "Plug & Play". Complete the mission objectives for access to Scrapland.

The Overwhelmer

The Overwhelmer is a very good weapon that is hidden in the back of a spaceship in The Edge. Players are able to get to the Edge relatively early in the game. Those that do not have the fast travel point can access the area through Grinder or the Warrens.

On the top of the map, players will notice three chest items near what looks like two platforms protruding out. In that location, the Overwhelmer will be sitting in the back of the open spaceship. Pick it up and enjoy destroying enemies with explosive rounds.

Sashimi Achievement

In one of the first missions in the game called "Trading_Places", indents are tasked with taking down an Onyx operative. Most people will remember it as the Samurai mission and boss fight. The final scene pits users against cloaked samurai and other enemies.

People will know they are in the right place when the cut scene begins. Simply let one of the samurai kill the character and the achievement will appear. This shouldn't be too hard as most players will die on the first attempt anyway.


By completing the Liberation Operation quest in Scrapland, gamers are rewarded with the Dismemberer. The weapon fires saw blades at enemies, putting it on a short list as one of the most awesome weapons to use. Each blade deals a ton of physical damage to biological enemies.

The sawblades ricochet off of surfaces and can damage several enemies as they bounce back and forth. It may not be the best gun in the game, but it is one of the most entertaining to use.

Snooze Or Lose

To get the Snooze of Lose achievement, people need to head over to Stimtown and find a sleeping citizen. From the spawn, go straight down through the city street, hang a left, and use the elevator.

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Next, cross the bridge by the elevator and speak to the guy outside of Wandas by the railing. After interacting with the sleeping NPC, the Snooze or Lose achievement will unlock. This is yet another extremely simple achievement that few in the community have acquired.

Infinite Components

There is currently a method that allows users to farm infinite items in-game. However, they will need to follow the steps above to unlock Scraplands first. An elite enemy will always spawn somewhere in the center of the Scrapland. Each of these enemies drop rare items, components, augments, and a lot of Ucred.

Head further into Scraplands and a bounty will sometimes appear too. After fast traveling away and then back to the scraplands, the elite will re-spawn. Repeat the process to get those hard-to-find components.


TentaKill is an augmentation reward for finishing the Plug & Play side quest in Scrapland. After completing all of the objectives, players will get the augment once they turn in the side mission. Tentakill is one of the best augmentations in the game.

When active, tentacles will rise from the ground, inflicting a devastating amount of damage on enemies. Every player will want to complete the quest to try it out. The augmentation shines against hordes of adds, killing handfuls of enemies at once.

NEXT: Awesome Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In The Ascent

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