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20 Video Game Sequels To Look Forward To On PS5 and Xbox Series X

Horizon Forbidden West Scaled

There’s presumably plenty of games coming out for the PS5 and Xbox Series X in the next year or so that are yet to be revealed, but we know about quite a few already. And while new franchises and fresh ideas are always exciting, there’s something about getting to play the next big game in your favourite franchises that feels comforting- and there’s going to be no shortage of those on the next-gen consoles, of course. From direct narrative sequels to new instalments doing completely different things, from cross-gen games to next-gen exclusives, from multiplats to exclusives, quite a few major sequels have already been announced for the PS5 and Xbox Series X, and here, we’re going to talk about the 20 biggest ones. So without further ado, let’s get started.


Guerrilla Games knocked the ball out of the park with Horizon Zero Dawn, their first ever open world action RPG, and considering how good that was, we can’t wait to see what they do with the sequel now that they have more experience to lean on. Horizon Forbidden West has only had one trailer so far, but it’s already looking exciting, not just from a visual perspective, but also the new locations we’ll be visiting in the game, and how it’s going to follow up on its predecessor excellent story. And, of course, there’s going to be new mechanical monstrosities to take on- who can say no to that, right?

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