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A new Battlefield 2042 trailer about the specialists is here


We can see the different skills that each of the 10 specialists available in Battlefield 2042 will have.

A little less than a month before the release of Dice’s new title, the new and ambitious installment in the first-person action saga Battlefield 2042, which will hit stores on October 22nd, all players were able to see a little more of the game in a video dedicated to four of the ten specialists who will be available in the game and which was published on the Nvidia Geforce YouTube channel.

As a result, we will be able to better comprehend the many features and benefits of Boris, Casper, Mackay, and Falckin in order to choose the one that best suits our playing style and start playing with our favorite specialist from the start.

First real look at Boris, Casper, Mackay, and Falck.

Webster Mackay, a Canadian member of the Assault class who is fast-moving and lightly equipped, is introduced to us just a few seconds into the film. He uses a grappling hook to go to areas others can’t. We may see an execution that is similar to what we see in the competition’s free-to-play mode, Call of Duty: Warzone.

After that, we have Maria Falck, a German support who, although fighting in battle, is there for her teammates to assist them both from a distance with her S21 Syrette Pistol and up close with a defibrilator.

Following that, Pyotr “Boris” Guskovsky, a Russian, enters, bringing the SG-36 Sentry System, which will make those who are not in his path scream. Boris’s experience and skill make him a difficult opponent in battle.

Finally, Wikus “Casper” Van Daele, a South African combatant from the Recon class, makes an appearance. Casper, in a nutshell, is the expert you’ll need to see in action, thanks to his great camouflage and long-range engagement.

These are not the only experts who will emerge in the game; in addition to the nine that will be accessible from the start, there will be a total of 14 that will be introduced gradually as time passes. Battlefield 2042 will be available in the next month, so we’ll be able to see the remainder of the story as the days pass in new gameplay trailers dedicated to them, as Dice has done with these four experts.

Watch the Battlefield 2042’ specialists gameplay trailer here on Game Freaks 365.

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