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A Short Hike Available Now on Nintendo Switch

A Short Hike 08 18 2020

A Short Hike

Developer Adam Rubinson-Yu (adamgryu) has announced that A Short Hike is available now on Nintendo Switch.

This relaxing adventure game has players hike, fly, and boat around a mountain. They can meet other hikers to earn helpful tools, and find maps for hidden treasures. The game was already available on Windows PC, Linux, Mac; with the gaming coming to Nintendo Switch as a timed exclusive.

You can find the Nintendo Switch launch trailer below.

You can find the full rundown (via Steam) below.

Hike, climb, and soar through the peaceful mountainside landscapes of Hawk Peak Provincial Park. Follow the marked trails or explore the backcountry as you make your way to the summit. Along the way, meet other hikers, discover hidden treasures, and take in the world around you.

Key Features

A Short Hike is available on Windows PC, Linux, Mac (all via the Epic Games Store, GOG, and Steam), and now on Nintendo Switch.

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