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All The Pokemon Used for Food in the Series


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The Pokemon series has always had an interesting relationship with the concepts of food and livestock for its core characters. As a result, it isn’t often that fans of the series will find their favorite characters chowing down a Pokemon for sustenance. This hasn’t completely prevented Pokemon from being used as food though. Throughout the games and other media, different Pokemon have been considered edible.

This was recently demonstrated by fans when creepy videos showed dead Pokemon being butchered were released online. While the concept of eating meat isn’t that all disturbing to some people, the content of the video can be unnerving given the usual messaging of the Pokemon series. There’s precedence for Pokemon being considered a food source for both people and other Pokemon though. A few have even come dangerously close to extinction because of their sought-after flavors and pairings.

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People Eating Pokemon

While many Pokemon are probably edible, not all of them have been used as a delicacy in the series. There are some that have been hinted at or others that have been confirmed, though. It is also worth noting that not every edible Pokemon is necessarily butchered for their meat and then consumed, with some Pokedex entries specifying that they have parts harvested passively.

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Pokemon That Help With Food-Related Things

Different from Pokemon used as food are Pokemon that contribute to people’s meals. This relationship is a bit less gruesome than Pokemon being eaten, and the concept is a lot easier to swallow. While they still provide culinary benefits, they don’t have to be consumed to do so.

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Predatory Pokemon and Their Prey

People aren’t the only ones to consume Pokemon. In the series, several Pokemon are known to have predator and prey relationships. The match-ups for these Pokemon often reflect what might be a real-world counterpart.

It’s interesting to think of the Pokemon ecosystem in this complex manner. While it makes sense, taking out the idea of people eating Pokemon can also make the game's setting feel more pristine. There have been undertones regarding nature and conservation in the past, but the depth added by a Pokemon food chain helps ground this idea.

This concept looks like it will be touched upon even more when Pokemon Legends: Arceus releases. Pokemon Legends: Arceus addresses Pokemon mortality in some unique ways that also play into the game’s ecosystem. Seeing all of this in action will likely be a major turning point for the Pokemon series, but one that could be well received.

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