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Apex Legends Glitch Causes Character Change Mid-Game

Apex Legends has been enjoying a surge in popularity in recent days. One of the reasons for the game’s wide appeal seems to stem from its list of Legends with different abilities. With each season, this list of characters only grows, offering players more options during a fight. While the player is supposed to choose their character at the beginning of a game, one gamer discovered that the game wanted them to play a different Legend during the middle of a match.

In a video posted on Reddit, one user known as Mrpineapplehead559 discovered a bug in the game that caused the Legend they were using to change. This glitch occurred while playing the Battle Royale mode on Kings Canyon. After dying in a fight near the Capacitor location, the gamer managed to be respawned by his teammate. Until this point, Mrpineapplehead559 had been playing Mirage. However, as the dropship arrived and the player descended back into the action, they unexpectedly heard a voice line from Bloodhound. To their surprise, the game had switched characters during the middle of a match.

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Some Reddit users in the comment section believe that the issue comes from problems with the game’s store. Apex Legends includes several characters that need to be unlocked to play them, such as Mirage. However, when the store stops working correctly, access to these unlockable characters can become denied forcing the game to pick a random one from the starting roster of characters instead.

I changed from mirage to bloodhound mid game??? Has this happened to anyone else? from

Some people on Reddit claim that is what happened to Mrpineapplehead559. This is obviously just a guess from the community and not confirmed to be the exact cause of the problem pertaining to mid-game character changes. Nevertheless, this theory seems plausible as only the base Legends were available for a short time at the start of Season 9 due to issues with the game’s store and the jetpack Legend Valkyrie.

The Apex Legends community on Reddit has been intrigued by this recent glitch discovered by Mrpineapplehead559. With over 5,100 upvotes, users in the comments agree that this is a problem that the developers need to address. Mrpineapplehead559 isn’t the only player that has encountered this glitch, as numerous other players mentioned that this has happened to them as well.

While Season 10 has been a success for Respawn, it hasn’t come without a number of unintended bugs. Besides this most recent glitch causing players’ Legends to change mid-game, other players are hearing loud music in Apex Legends. While these glitches don't crash the Battle Royale, it’s understandable that some gamers might be upset when it occurs in their games. It will be interesting to see if Respawn decides to address these issues in the coming days.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Apex Legends: What is Tap-Strafing and Why Is It Being Removed?

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