
Apex Legends players once again plead to Respawn for big Arenas changes

Apex Legends Arenas have always been a bit of a controversial topic in the community, but now that multiple seasons have come and gone without any adjustments fans are back and begging for changes to the 3v3 mode.

There has been no shortage of complaints surrounding the current Arenas format. From the start, the game mode was on rocky ground for some fans thanks to what seemed to be a much looser matchmaking system than its BR counterpart.

Although a few sets of fixes have been implemented for the Ranked system, the mode never fully climbed back into popularity and players are reaching their wit’s end.

Apex Legends players desperate for Arena matchmaking fixes

Drop-Off Arenas map Apex Legends
Respawn Entertainment

The Drop Off Arenas map sits above the skyline of Malta.

Many fans believe that the issue in Arenas stems from the quality of the matchmaking parameters.

In the clip embedded below, a Diamond ranked player spectates a teammate who seems to be less than comfortable when it comes to aiming at the enemy team.

While that might be the kind of activity expected in a Rookie setting, it makes for an antagonizing experience for everyone involved. That’s why fans are pleading their case one more time.

One commenter pointed out that while this might not be such a bad experience if it was rare, the frequency of this kind of matchup makes the entire mode a headache.

“I’m Plat 1 and my team is always level 0-40. I ask ‘what is your rank’ every single game and it is always Bronze or Silver. I have never had a teammate above silver,” they said.

The last major update for Arenas arrived with Season 11 when the devs dropped the old maps that had been fashioned out of familiar BR locations in favor of implementing new Arena-specific battlegrounds.

It was in this update that the first change to matchmaking and MMR was made, but it’s clear that fans are ready for another pass. One frustrated commenter vented their frustrations with the state of things very simply: “Respawn has really just abandoned Arenas.”

The post Apex Legends players once again plead to Respawn for big Arenas changes appeared first on Dexerto.

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