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Battlefield 2042 to have 128 Player Maps only on Next-Gen Consoles


Recently EA confirmed in a Press Release that Battlefield 2042 would have 128 Player Maps, but only on Next-Gen Consoles; it seems like the last-gen consoles are unable to handle stuff like this, so it seems like a fair decision.
You can learn more about Battlefield 2042 here.

EA stated that in the Press Release. I am really excited about Battlefield 2042. I cannot wait to see more of it on 13th June. The trailer looks gorgeous, but I still want to see the gameplay and the destruction, which I love Battlefield for.
What do you think about Battlefield 2042 only offering 128 Player Maps on Next-Gen Consoles? Please let us know in the comments below.

Ankit Gaba

Editor-In-Chief of Gaming Route
Huge fan of Action-RPGs, Rogue Likes, FPS Games and Simulators.

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