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Bend Studio’s New IP aims to have the most complex and believable human animation

Days Gone Ps4 1.original 1140x753

Bend Studio, the developers behind Days Gone, recently opened a Job Application looking for a Senior Animator, and it stated, “We’re looking for a Senior Staff Animator to create and implement gameplay animations of the absolute highest quality. If you’re creating the most complex, believable, human animations, and want to be part of the development of a AAA title for PS5, then we want you.”
Bend Studio is currently working on a new IP since Days Gone 2 was cancelled. Bend’s Next Game will be Open-World as well and contain vehicles similar to Days Gone.

I really hope that their next game ends up being good. I just could not bother myself to get past the first few chapters of Days Gone. I wasn’t a fan of it, but I might give it another try in the future sometime; I just hope that they try some completely new stuff with this new IP instead of creating another game similar to Days Gone I would have preferred it to be linear. I do not expect their next game to be revealed anytime soon.
What do you think about Bend Studio’s Next Game aiming to have the most complex and believable human animations? Please let us know in the comments below.

Ankit Gaba

Editor-In-Chief of Gaming Route
Huge fan of Action-RPGs, Rogue Likes, FPS Games and Simulators.

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