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Best Gaming Deals Of The Week: More Summer Sales, Gaming Chairs, And Jackbox

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Summer-themed seasonal sales are still going on most digital storefronts, and even at a few brick-and-mortar retailers. We’ve picked through a few of our favorites, and this week’s list will make sure you’re caught up on discounted triple-A titles, collections to enjoy with friends, and even the best seats for your toosh, in case you’re looking to marathon a game or ten. The Jackbox deal is my favorite – so if you need something for your responsible, socially distanced Discord parties, don’t say I never did anything for you.

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All Things Bethesda

It’s Quakecon time again, and that means Bethesda has heavily discounted plenty of games from its massive library. The publisher’s sale is taking place on Steam, where you can pick up some of its titles with as much as 85 percent knocked off the price tag. Here at TheGamer, we can’t seem to stop rambling about Prey in particular, so if you’re looking for a recommendation, you should start with something by Arkane. Right now, Prey is only $11.99, a bit more than half off its usual price.

Work From Home In Comfort

I’m old and my back hurts, so any chance to get seated in something that’ll spare me hours of pain is something I’m jumping at. A good, ergonomic chair that keeps you comfortable is always going to be pricey, even discounted, but the folks over at AndaSeat are currently hosting a back-to-school deal – and it’s on a line of furniture we can personally recommend. You can pick up the AndaSeat Jungle Series for over $100 off right now, and plenty of other models outside of this premium seat are on sale, too. They certainly have that gamer look to them, and you owe it to your back to pick up something nice.

Partying For A Cause

Jackbox is a blast, but the series is just a bit expensive if you’re looking to pick them all up individually from Steam. My friends and I often have Jackbox nights over Discord, it helps make up for these rough pandemic times when we can’t all get together. If you’re looking to do the same, you should check out the Humble Sale – it includes Party Packs 3, 5, and 6. You’ll also get a coupon for the latest installment – Party Pack 7 – and your purchase goes towards funding research at St. Jude’s, Child’s Play, and a charity of your choice. A good deal for an even better cause.

GOG’s Got Game

As promised, here’s your next big summer-themed sale. GOG’s got well over 1,000 titles discounted, and those deals are running until September 2. There’s plenty of goodies for under $5 if you’re looking to grab a bunch to keep you busy, while some full-priced games – like Wasteland 3 – have slashed half off the price. You’ve still got plenty of time to decide on your own, but if you’re looking for recommendations, Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition is up with a 75 percent discount, and we’ve been celebrating that series all week long.

Next: Interview: Nico Lennon On Playing Carver, Dragon Age's "Gooseberry"

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