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Break Out The Popcorn – GameStop Has An Official Public Discord Server

Gamestop Discord Server

GameStop has launched an official public Discord server, and gamers and journalists alike are chowing down the popcorn as they witness the chaos.

The video game retail company opened its Discord channel Tuesday, and the community was immediately overflowing with users talking shop about stocks and memes before, according to Kotaku, descending into all sorts of internet debauchery, such as flooding the chat room with every nasty and offensive word in the English language.

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We have observed that users in the off-topic channel of GameStop's Discord server have been discussing stocks for the second day in a row, whether they type stocks or use its infamous misspelling "stonks." One particular user lamented the use of GameStop's Discord for economic discourse instead of passionate video game discussion and debate, saying, "Man, there are several other discord's [sic] to actually talk about the stonk. Let this just be for gamers. You know the media is going to spin this to make retail investors look even worse. Just leave this place alone."

It's no surprise that people would talk about stocks once GameStop opened its Discord channel to the masses. Earlier this year, GameStop's shares skyrocketed to new heights after amateur day traders on Reddit traded heavily on their shorted stocks and created a massive short squeeze. The GameStop battle between Reddit and Wall Street got heated, and the company's shares increased so much that the trading frenzy is being turned into a feature film.

The Discord wasn't all about stocks, though. One user asked what kind of games would suit the needs of his girlfriend and himself, and the chat suggested mostly couch co-op games like Cuphead, Super Smash Bros., For Honor, and Snowrunner.

If you think the idea of GameStop opening its own Discord is wild, here's my experience thus far. I popped into the videogame-discussion channel, said "Hello," and users took the number my social media handle, SonicPrincess15, to mean I'm the last of 15 Sonic princesses. After I explained the origin of my Twitter handle, which involved me tweaking after seeing another Twitter user use another variation of my original name, they took it as lore. Before I knew it, I was bombarded with dramatic responses like, "Dude, that's like an anime villain backstory," and weird trivia questions like "name top 10 sonic waifus now." Holy Chaos Emeralds, it was extremely awkward.

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