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Call of Duty: Vanguard Leak Suggests Red Dead Redemption 2 Actor Involvement

Call Of Duty Vanguard Red Dead Redemption 2 Actor

With the summer months slowly coming to an end, anticipation over the next Call of Duty game has continued to rise. As the annual series is quickly approaching the usual launch date of late October, early November, most fans have begun to wonder when Activision will finally be revealing more on Seldgehammer's next game, currently known as Call of Duty: Vanguard. While Activision continues to stay silent, new rumors and leaks have continued to appear online.

Recent information has originated from Tom Henderson, someone who has a solid track record with leaking news surrounding major upcoming titles like Battlefield and Call of Duty. In fact, Henderson has been recently talking about the next Call of Duty, indicating that an event will be held on August 19 and suggesting that fans will "explode" when they finally get a look at Call of Duty: Vanguard. While the event details are still unknown, a recent datamine may have given fans even more information.

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The latest leaked information comes from the GamingLeaksAndRumors subReddit and user TheRealGamerK. In the post, they provide a link to the recent promotional art discovery in Imgur, while also providing a link to Roger Clark's Instagram page. Clark is well known for being the actor behind Red Dead Redemption 2 protagonist Arthur Morgan, though a recent Instagram post hints that Clark is once again hard at work on something that appears to be linked to World War 2.

Where things get a bit more interesting is when Clark's post, which shows him in a British style WW2 outfit, is compared to some of the leaked imagery from Call of Duty: Vanguard which appears to line up. While the rumor itself should be taken with a grain of salt, Clark's tease for fans to stay tuned, the WW2 aspect of his post and the upcoming game, along with the potential Call of Duty event next week seems too good to be true.

The Roger Clark revelation isn't the only major leak that has happened to Call of Duty: Vanguard. Dataminers have also seemingly come across the game's box art for various editions of the game including the Standard, Cross-Gen Bundle, and Ultimate Edition. Not only does the box art seemingly confirms the World War 2 setting as well as confirming early access to an Open Beta, XP boosts, weapon and operator skin unlocks, and more. Even with new details seemingly appearing online almost on a daily basis, there's plenty more which fans don't know about that Activision can hopefully fill in next week if the event rumors are indeed true.

Call of Duty: Vanguard is in development.

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