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Call of Duty: Warzone Demon Glitch Now Appearing On CorpsesJoshua GoodpastorGame Rant – Feed

Call Of Duty: Warzone Demon Glitch Now Appearing On Corpses

The “Demon Gun” glitch made headlines after it appeared during a Call of Duty: Warzone tournament. Although Warzone‘s development team claim to have fixed it, the problem seems to still be manifesting in other areas.

It was not long ago that a Warzone fan reported the return of the infamous Call of Duty bug, which sees models get jagged edges and grow in size. This time it is not a player or gun model that has expanded, but it is a very similar problem.

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The video starts with Warzone fan Kristers_05 depositing money to their friend before heading to a nearby body to loot. As they approached the pile of loot everything seemed normal until they touched the outer limits of it. Suddenly, the screen turns black and their gun turns right white as Warzone’s textures and meshes all collide in a strange explosion.

As they back away from the pile the effects seem to reverse, but as soon as they walk back towards it the glitch happens again. Although the player is looking at the ground, there are no loot prompts, and visibility is completely gone. After watching the video, fans can clearly see a defined parameter around the loot that Kristers is crossing into. Something is bugging out in that pile, whether it is the body of the gear is still unknown.

This bug appears to be a new evolution in the “Demon Gun” glitch. Although this is not affecting the majority of players, it could cause looting to become a problem. From the clip, it appears that once the player is inside the area of the glitch they appear normal from the outside. This would mean that the confined area is causing the glitch point towards one of the weapon’s meshes not mixing well with the local environment.

Several fans have reported new occurrences of the”Demon Gun” glitch throughout the game. Although it is not as widespread of a problem, the fact that it still exists has a large portion of the community worried. Although it originally started as a minor graphical error it has become one of the most infamous glitches in Warzone, no matter the form it takes.

Fans are advised to avoid loot piles under the effect of this glitch. Hopefully, the development team can have a fix for the problem earlier rather than later.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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