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Combat Breakdown – No More Heroes 3

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Suda51's No More Heroes series is finally back – and properly this time. Travis Strikes Again was a nice throwback, but it didn't capture the same magic as the original games did – but No More Heroes 3 is, as the title implies, returning to its roots. This is all about assassin rankings, crazy minigames, intense fights, and impressing the ladies – as always.

Related: No More Heroes 3 Review – The Most Suda Game

This time Travis Touchdown finds himself up against aliens – big and brutal types. If you want to get a leg up on these powerful foes, then you need to master the combat system, which has a lot of depth to offer, but requires you to scratch beneath the surface. Just read through the tips in this guide, and you'll soon be swinging through enemies like butter.

The Basics

Here's a basic rundown of the controls you need to know. These will basically be the only buttons you'll regularly be pressing in battles – though there's certainly more to learn, as we'll detail below.

Button Move
Y Fast attack
X Heavy attack
B Jump
A Dodge
R Charge power
ZL Lock-on/guard

Fast VS Heavy

Fast attacks against heavy attacks. The benefits are obvious – heavy attack does more damage, while fast attack is, well, faster. But what you might not factor in initially is power consumption and your ability to dodge. During heavy attacks you'll use just as much power as with each fast attack, perform more damage, but you will severely limit your ability to dodge. Fast attacks have the opposite problem – dodging is easy, but damage is limited. Use fast attacks when you're unsure of your situation and heavy when the enemy is stunned.

Jump Attack

Travis also has a jump attack performed by jumping and pressing one of the attack buttons – obviously. What's less obvious is that a fast attack in the air will home in on enemies, while a heavy attack will push back a group of enemies.

Perfect Dodge

A Perfect Dodge is, well, exactly what it sounds like. As you lock onto enemies a yellow circle will appear on the enemy you are locking on to, and if that circle turn purple, it's time for a dodge. A Perfect Dodge will not only avoid the attack, but it'll send things into slow motion, just like Bayonetta or Breath of the Wild. Use this moment to attack your enemy and deal as much damage as possible.

Killer Slash

The Killer Slash is a move you'll use on weaker enemies to finish them off, while on bosses it'll just eat into their health a fair bit. The Killer Slash is performed once the enemy has taken enough damage, and it'll ask you to use either the JoyCon or right stick to slash at the enemy, activating a Slash Reel.

Slash Reel

The Slash Reel comes after a successful Killer Slash, and it's a fruit machine that scrolls across the screen. If it lands on something fortuitous, it can give Travis a huge buff, like the Mustang Mode which eats through the health bars of bosses. Or maybe it'll give you just a bit of cash to help you on your way.

Next: No More Heroes 3 Review Round Up

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