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Control – First 15 Minutes Of AWE Expansion To Be Streamed August 13

Control The Foundation 03

Control The Foundation_03

Control released last year and in many ways it was the accumulation of developer Remedy Entertainment’s long career. It merged many of the company’s themes and gameplay mechanics into one cohesive title, making quite the experience. And now, to cap off this month, we will be getting its send off expansion, titled AWE, and we’ll get to see the first 15 minutes of it this week.

As announced by the company, they will stream the first part of the DLC this Thursday via their official Twitch channel, which you can see a link to through here. If you’re not familiar, the DLC is a crossover of some kind with another previous title from the company, the cult classic Alan Wake. Longtime Remedy writer Sam Lake explained that they now considered many of their works in a connected universe, and are working on another title set in said universe. The company has always played around with their works being interconnected (Alan Wake was referenced extensively in Remedy’s game before Control, Quantum Break, for instance), but this is the first time in which two of them will be explicitly tied to one another.

Control is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The AWE expansion will come to all those platforms August 27th. The stream will go live on August 15th at 12 PM EDT.

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