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Cyberpunk 2077 1.3 Update Makes Noticeable Change to NPC Driving

Cyberpunk 2077’s 1.3 update has been a big one for fans. Not only did it add free DLC, some quest-specific fixes, improvement to a car’s GPS, and the ability to reset perk, but supposedly Cyberpunk 2077 data miners have found multiplayer and the second premium expansion in the code. It may not be the biggest, most extravagant update in the world, but it seems to be a strong push in the right direction.

Patches aren’t perfect, though. After the release of 1.3, one Cyberpunk 2077 player noticed a new bug with the swimming animation that involves disappearing heads, multiple limbs, and more. This animation may have gotten worse as a result, but one other animation did get better, however slightly.

RELATED: One Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Says Team Put In 'A Lot of Effort' into Update 1.3

Cyberpunk 2077’s 1.3 update has seemingly fixed where an NPC driving wouldn’t be touching the steering wheel. It’s a noticeable detail that has been prominent in the base game, but it’s something that CD Projekt Red has now fixed. The idea is that players would look at the window during these riding shotgun moments, but there’s only so much that can be seen, especially riding with Panam outside the city.

Since 1.3 NPCs are actually using steering wheel while driving a car. from

As such, the fact that the car was moving, but the driver was not was quite noticeable. It doesn’t fix everything with these scenes, but it is a nice detail. Riding shotgun, especially as frequently as Cyberpunk 2077’s V does, isn’t necessarily good for fun factor, and the non-driving NPC wasn’t good for immersion. These fun and immersion problems still remain, however.

While the NPC may look like they are “driving,” the rail-like nature of these rides is still quite visible. Not only is it slow and monotonous (and quickly skipped when possible), but Cyberpunk 2077’s vehicles don’t seem to have physics enabled during these rides. Whenever there is a bump in the ride, the car won’t register it. Sometimes, whether it’s a bump or not, the road will clip through the bottom of the car.

It'll be interesting to see when and how CD Projekt Red handles this in the future. As it paid enough attention to fix small details like the driver’s positioning, it stands to reason that other issues with car rides will eventually get fixed. Beyond that, it seems that CD Projekt Red will continue squashing bugs and working on bringing in free DLC, Cyberpunk 2077 premium DLC expansions, and more. It’s hard to say if it is looking at a No Man’s Sky-style redemption yet, but it can be said it’s not for a lack of trying.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. PS5 and Xbox Series X upgrades are in development.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Things CD Projekt Red Has Improved Since the RPG's Launch

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