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Cyberpunk Patch 1.3 Doesn’t Fix NPC Cloning

NPC cloning has been a documented bug in Cyberpunk 2077 since day one. While trailers and gameplay reveals showed a wide variety of NPC designs, the game we got would often repeat the same model numerous times in one street, ruining the immersion of Night City.

Now, it seems that this bug has survived the recent patch 1.3, as players continue to share videos of cloned NPCs right next to one another.

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Over on the main Cyberpunk subreddit, one user shares a screenshot of three cloned NPCs standing next to each other, following the recently patch.

Army of NPC clones – patch 1.3 from

By far the worst example is a video uploaded just after the patch's release, showing at least 11 of the same NPC gathered in a crowd, and around 8 of another design. This isn't an isolated incident either, with another video showing an entire block being taken over by the same NPC.

There are also reports that the NPC couples that can be found across Night City are glitching out and morphing into the same NPC model. Whatever patch 1.3 did, it seems to have messed with the way that NPCs spawn into the world.

This isn't the only thing the latest patch has failed to address. Players noticed that cars were still prone to flying all over the place due to awkward collisions. Not only that, but vehicles are also clipping into the ground and getting stuck there – at least when it does flying, it comes back down again. This too has been an issue in the game since launch, and the numerous patches and hotfixes just haven't been enough to address it.

Some players have had enough of waiting for the patches and hotfixes to catch up, and are instead turning their attention to the modding scene. The recent launch of a "mega mod" got the attention of fans this month, as it reworks almost all aspects of gameplay, rather than just build on top of them as the official updates do.

Source: GameRant

Next: This Week In Modding: Cyberpunk Reworked, Hit & Run Remastered, And More

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