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Dead By Daylight: 10 Tips For Playing As The Blight

Blight is one of the most terrifying creatures in Dead By Daylight. The Blight were once human, but are victims of experimentation by a scientist named Talbot Grimes. Grimes' experiments on prisoners from the Opium war had serious side effects. Unlucky subjects became what is known as the Blight: part man, part undead. In a twist of events, Talbot received the same serum that killed dozens of prisoners, plunging him into the fog.

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The lore behind Blight perfectly represents the killer in the game. Blight is ferocious and unrelenting, one of the game's most horrific killers. Players that use the character correctly will be able to take out every survivor in short order.

Blight Abilities

The character's main ability is Blighted Corruption (Rush). It allows Blight to dash forward quickly to close the distance on survivors. It does not send the creature very far, but it can be useful if timed correctly. Most of the strategy when using Blight involves playing mind games with the survivors. Make them think they are safe, and dash in for a surprise. The only downside to a basic rush is that players will not be able to attack.

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However, Blight can also perform a lethal rush. To use Blight's alt, players will need to rush into an object, causing a fatigue state. While fatigued, press the power button again to perform a lethal rush. If users press the power button during the subsequent rush, Blight can attack. This will be the most useful way to spend rush.

Movement Speed

Blight moves at 115% speed compared to the survivors, making this creature dangerously fast even without the added benefit of Rush. With the ability active, Blight moves at 230% speed, which is far too fast for survivors. Players will be able to use Blighted Corruption a total of five times before they run out of tokens. That is, of course, without add ons.

Level Perks

How To Play With Blight

Killers maining Blight will use movement to out maneuver survivors. The extra +15% speed is noticeable, and smart players will be able to take down a few survivors without wasting their powers. The only real protection survivors will have are pallets. It is okay to waste some time breaking these early, as enemies will be sitting ducks without them.

Managing the rush ability will be crucial as well. Gamers will want to activate their rushes in a way that allows the use of a lethal rush on a healthy survivor. Blight can move so fast if when method is timed correctly that no one stands a chance. Play the beginning slow, and knock out as many pallets as possible to get off to a good start. Blight users are rewarded for playing slowly. The less Blighted Corruption is used, the better the score.

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When plotting moves with Blight, think about all of the potential angles. Approach from different directions, and always be on the lookout for objects to run into. The chain into a Blighted Corruption will be essential to success. Slam the wall and activate the power if a survivor is vulnerable. Wait for a survivor to slip up, and punish the mistake with a lethal rush. Blight is one of the most powerful killers in the game if users remain patient and calculated.

Other Helpful Perks

The most useful perk for Blight is Brutal strength. The perk allows users to break pallets and other destructible items 20% faster. Often, the pallet will not be enough to save competitors when Brutal Strength is active. Likewise, Pop Goes The Weasel works well with Dragon's Grip, luring survivors to a generator they recently worked on.

Tricking the survivors into identifying themselves is one way to get opponents hooked. As with many of the killers, BBQ and Chili is a great perk to have. Blight's movement speed is already ridiculous, and the perk makes traversing the map incredibly simple.

Add Ons

Those new to the killer will like using the add on called Chipped Monocle, which highlights the target area of a slam. Chipped Monocle will help gamers learn how to utilize slams and lethal rushes.

Compound 33 is an ultra rare add on that most beginners will not have access to. For those able to obtain it, it should be used on every character that performs a slam. The item stuns survivors for three seconds after a slam if they are within 60 meters of the power.

With the right strategy, perks, and add ons, Blight is a force to be reckoned with among killers. A fair number of gamers continue to main Blight because of how much potential the character has.

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