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Deathloop Has Been Rated M For PS5 And PC

Deathloop Rating (1)

Deathloop has officially been rated by the ESRB, receiving an M for Mature. Unsurprising considering the game's themes and content.

Age ratings for games around the world can often tip off when a new release, remake, or remaster is coming before it has even been announced. Ghost of Tsushima's upcoming director's cut, for example, was leaked ahead of time thanks to a ratings board publishing its rating before the game had even been announced.

Thankfully, that isn't the case for Deathloop. Arkane Studios officially revealed Deathloop a long time ago and should everything go to plan, the FPS will be available on PS5 and PC on September 14, 2021. The ESRB has officially revealed its verdict on what the game will be rated, labeling it M for Mature. That will have surprised almost no one eagerly awaiting Deathloop's arrival, but may well have upset a few 14-year-old who were hoping to convince their parents to buy it for them.

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If you weren't already expecting Deathloop to receive an M rating, then a quick scan of the ESRB's summary will help you understand why. “Fighting is often frenetic, with frequent gunfire, screams of pain, explosions, and large blood-splatter effects,” it reads. That'll certainly steer a game towards a mature rating. If not that, “some weapons/attacks can decapitate or dismember enemies” will almost definitely get you over the line.

If you're still unfamiliar with Deathloop, then you may well have been letting a potential game of the year candidate fly under your radar. The timed PS5 console exclusive puts you in the shoes of two assassins trapped in a time loop. A recent PlayStation State of Play was focused around Deathloop and featured nine minutes of gameplay if you want to see more from Arkane's ambitious project.

As has been the case for so many games over the course of the past 18 months, Deathloop has been delayed and was supposed to be here by now. It appears to be on track to hit its September 2021 release date now though, and Arkane has been very open about opting to avoid crunch rather than rush Deathloop to be ready for its original launch date. Its PS5 console exclusivity will come to an end a year after its initial release.

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