
Destiny 2: How To Earn The Conqueror Title

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Titles are one of Destiny 2's endgame pursuits. For hardcore Guardians that want to show their skill in a particular activity, they can complete a series of Triumphs to obtain a unique string of text under their name.

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Conqueror is one of the harder titles to earn in Destiny 2, requiring you to clear multiple Grandmaster Nightfalls. You'll need to get comfortable with all of your subclasses, learn how to counter Champions effectively, and be able to clear six unique Nightfalls at Grandmaster Difficulty to earn this title. It's by no means easy, but PvE players that want to push their skills and builds to the limit won't find a more suitable challenge.

Note: This guide is for earning the standard Conqueror title. We'll have a guide for gilding Conqueror in the near future.


Lightbearer: Earn a high score of 150,000 in a Nightfall strike.

Unlike normal strikes, Nightfalls have a scoring system that tracks how efficient your team is at defeating enemies. Killing enemies will grant a certain amount of score, with more powerful enemies granting more points. Grabbing Orbs of Power also adds to your score, so be sure to use Masterworked weapons and use your Super.

Since enemies are such an integral part of your potential score maximum, you'll want to complete this Triumph by playing a Nightfall with hundreds of enemies. Nightfall difficulty also adds a multiplier to your score, although we recommend playing on Legend or Master for this challenge. Grandmaster is incredibly tough, and the first two Nightfall difficulties don't have a large enough score multiplier to make this Triumph achievable.

Keep an eye out for the following Nightfalls:

  • The Devils' Lair
  • The Disgraced
  • Fallen S.A.B.E.R.
  • The Glassway
  • Proving Grounds

The Nightfalls listed above have an immense amount of enemies (200+). This should make reaching a score of 150,000 feasible for most teams. Just be sure to generate Orbs of Power and kill every enemy you see.

Breaker Of Champions

Breaker of Champions: Defeat 100 Champions in Nightfall strikes.

Unlike most Triumphs tied to Conqueror, you don't need to play Master or Grandmaster Nightfalls to complete this challenge. The Champions you defeat can be from any difficulty, meaning Hero and higher difficulty settings count. Since Hero has matchmaking, it's not a bad idea to farm a few Nightfalls at that difficulty to finish this challenge.

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However, we recommend that you don't focus on this challenge until the other three Triumphs are completed. You'll have to play Grandmaster Nightfalls multiple times for the last two challenges. GMs are filled with Champions, so you should be able to complete Breaker of Champions without much issue.

Conqueror's Discipline

Conqueror's Discipline: Complete a Grandmaster Nightfall strike with each subclass.

There are four subclasses in Destiny 2, categorized by element:

  1. Solar
  2. Arc
  3. Void
  4. Stasis

You'll need to complete a Grandmaster Nightfall, the highest difficulty tier, to complete Conqueror's Discipline. The Nightfall in question doesn't matter; all four completions can be from the same Nightfall if you desire.

Since Locked Loadouts are active in GM Nightfalls, you can't use the subclass swap strategy that most use to complete the strike weekly. As a result, you'll need to run a good build and subclass tree to complete this challenge.

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Let's go over which subclasses are the best for completing GM Nightfalls. Keep in mind that you can complete the four subclass challenge with any class. For example, if you're a Hunter main but need to complete the Arc subclass, you can switch to a Warlock and complete a GM with a Stormcaller subclass spec for the challenge.

Hunter Subclasses


  • Way of the Sharpshooter (Bottom Tree Gunslinger): This subclass has nearly everything you need for a GM. You have an excellent Super, a solid melee ability, and decent grenades. The Super is the star of the show, capable of heavily damaging Champions or killing majors. You can either use Celestial Nighthawk or Star-Eater Scales with this spec, based on your team composition and general playstyle. Use Star-Eater Scales to get your Super quickly. Try not to hold it.


  • Way of the Current (Middle Tree Arcstrider): Your Super can deflect enemy projectiles and deals solid damage against fodder enemies. Be really careful using this Super to damage enemies in close range, as you don't have much damage resistance in Arc Staff. The rest of your kit is serviceable, featuring a ranged melee attack and solid grenades. Raiden Flux and Shinobu's Vow are solid Exotics to pair with this spec.


  • Way of the Pathfinder (Bottom Tree Nightstalker): Unless you have a team that chains Supers reliably, bottom tree Nightstalker is by far your best option. You have a Smoke Bomb that affects your team, excellent grenades, a high-damage Super that debuffs enemies, and solid ability uptime thanks to Combat Provision. Use The Sixth Coyote for constant Smoke Bombs. Omnioculus is also a good option.


  • Spec for Supers: Revenant's Silence & Squall Super is fantastic in GM Nightfalls if your team is generating Orbs of Power. Use Whisper of Bonds and Whisper of Durance to enhance your Super and gain Super energy from slain frozen targets. For Aspects, Grim Harvest and Touch of Winter go well together and give you tons of Fragment flexibility. Star-Eater Scales or Mask of Bakris is fantastic for this setup.

For more build ideas, consult our Hunter build guide.

Warlock Subclasses


  • Attunement of Grace (Middle Tree Dawnblade): The king of support specs should be a no-brainer for GM content. Phoenix Protocol is a solid choice since it allows you to place Well of Radiance more frequently.


  • Attunement of Control (Middle Tree Stormcaller): Chaos Reach is an absurdly strong Super for GM Nightfalls. It deals great damage, makes a copious amount of Orbs, and you can regain your Super quickly by using either Crown of Tempests or Geomag Stabilizers. We recommend Geomags for most groups.


  • Attunement of Chaos (Top Tree Voidwalker): Overcharged Vortex Grenades are incredibly powerful, especially when paired with Contraverse Hold. One grenade can half-health a Champion if placed right as they are stunned. If you're masochistic enough to solo a GM Nightfall, this is the best subclass you can use.


  • Grenade Spec: Use Bleak Watcher and Whisper of Durance. You'll want to overcharge your grenades to create ice turrets that'll freeze enemies. With Verity's Brow and a good Energy weapon, you can apply a surprising amount of crowd control without much effort.

More detailed build guides can be found at our Warlock build guide.

Titan Subclasses


  • Code of the Siegebreaker (Bottom Tree Sunbreaker): Sunspots and the Sun Warrior buff are great in GM Nightfalls. Be careful of your positioning with this spec, as staying away from cover for too long is a death sentence. Run Phoenix Cradle to have your Sunspots support your team.


  • Code of the Earthshaker (Top Tree Striker): Honestly, Striker is one of the weakest subclasses for GM content, but the Earthshaker can make it work. Double grenades are useful for defense sections or tight combat arenas. Run Heart of Inmost Light to recharge your abilities faster. Don't use your Super for anything beyond add-clear.


  • Code of the Commander (Middle Tree Sentinel): This is the best subclass for Grandmaster Nightfalls, full stop. With Ursa Furiosa equipped, you give your team near-infinite Supers and immunity to incoming damage from a wide-angle. Just be wary of your Super's duration.


  • Defensive Setup: Use Tectonic Harvest, Whisper of Rime, and Whisper of Chains. This will give you the ability to gain overshields and a 25% damage buff on the fly. It isn't as powerful as a bubble Titan, but you can make it work. Pairs exceptionally well with other Stasis users in your fireteam.

If you want to discover some powerful builds for Titans, check out our Titan build guide.

Total Conquest

Total Conquest: Complete 6 different Grandmaster Nightfall strikes.

You must complete six unique Nightfall on Grandmaster difficulty for this challenge. Different Nightfalls refer to a unique mission. For example, if you complete the Lake of Shadows Nightfall, clearing the same Nightfall multiple times won't grant additional progress.

This Triumph tracks your total GM clears, not just those from a given season. If you are incredibly patient, you can only run GM Nightfalls that are considered the easiest of the bunch until you've completed six unique Nightfalls.

Alternatively, you can wait until the end of a season to finish this challenge. During the last few weeks of a given season, every GM Nightfall becomes available to play. This lets you clear six unique Nightfalls at the end of a season.

Next: Destiny 2: Beyond Light Complete Guide And Walkthrough

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