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Devolver Digital Acquires Croteam

Devolver Digital Croteam 10 21 20 1

Devolver Digital has announced they’ve acquired Serious Sam developer Croteam.

Speaking on the news, Devolver Digital said “Devolver has acquired Croteam…or maybe Croteam has acquired Devolver…who could really know at this point in the relationship,” adding “what’s certain is that our future together is ultra exciting.”

Croteam is working on upcoming games like The Talos Principle 2, more Serious Sam games, and an original IP from Croteam and the Croteam Incubator studios. Devolver noted that Croteam will have “total creative freedom” and that Devolver Digital gets to “keep making dumb recommendations that Croteam just ignores – we prefer it that way.”

Croteam’s latest game, Serious Sam 4, is now available for Windows PC and has a 2021 release set for PS4 and Xbox One. In case you missed it, you can find our thorough review for the game here – we found it fun, but with some flaws.

Here’s the full blurb regarding the new acquisition:

Nearly thirty years ago, a group of childhood friends got together to start Croteam from a small garage in Zagreb. The fledgeling studio was built around creative experimentation, pushing technical boundaries, and a trust in one another that would span decades. The team dabbled in soccer / football games before putting together a dazzling tech demo that would eventually become Serious Sam and change the path of the studio forever. But it was a struggle to sign the Serious Sam demo with a publisher and only one label – Gathering of Developers – showed interest and support. That support blossomed into friendship and respect which would eventually reconnect Croteam with some of the Gathering of Developers team when they later helped found Devolver Digital.

A decade ago Devolver Digital was just getting started and looking for its first project to partner on in the emerging digital distribution world. Similarly, Croteam was on the search for a partner it could trust to help them bring their beloved franchise back to prominence with the upcoming Serious Sam 3. And like that, the next big Serious Sam game brought old partners back together and forged a decade of friendship and dedication.

Since then Croteam and Devolver Digital have partnered on dozens of games – from the frantic Serious Sam series to the award-winning The Talos Principle across PC, consoles, VR and mobile platforms. Croteam and Devolver Digital have been dating for so long that we decided to go ahead and just get married.

Devolver has acquired Croteam…or maybe Croteam has acquired Devolver…who could really know at this point in the relationship. What’s certain is that our future together is ultra exciting with new projects like The Talos Principle 2, more Serious Sam games, and original IP from Croteam and the Croteam Incubator studios. Croteam will of course keep total creative freedom and Devolver Digital gets to keep making dumb recommendations that Croteam just ignores – we prefer it that way.

Both companies are thrilled to share this news and hope that you’re as excited about our future together as we are – it’s going to be a lot of fun. Also, buy Serious Sam 4 on Steam or Stadia. It’s got a chainsaw rocket launcher.

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