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Dying Light 2 is Setting the Bar High for Dead Island 2

Despite seven years passing since its initial reveal, Dead Island 2 is still set to be released at some point. Dead Island is one of the more successful series in the survival horror genre, but the lengthy gap between the release of Dead Island: Riptide and Dead Island 2 may have killed fans’ excitement for the game somewhat. However, there will still be some fans awaiting the return of Dead Island. When it does return, though, it will face some tough competition in the form of Dying Light 2.

One of the more eagerly awaited titles of 2021, Dying Light 2, is set for a release on December 7 this year. Dying Light 2 will look to capitalize upon the success of 2015's Dying Light, which impressed fans. A number of gameplay trailers have been released for the game, highlighting new features that it will be bringing to the table. A number of these new features could set the bar high for Dead Island 2 when it eventually releases.

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What’s New in Dying Light 2?

Dying Light is one of the more prominent names in the zombie survival genre. The original Dying Light’s combination of Dead Island gameplay and parkour brought something new, with this gameplay innovation earning the game plaudits and helping it to feel like an all-new experience. However, Dying Light 2 looks set to shake the genre up even further, as has been shown by the game's many trailers. Over the past year, these trailers have highlighted new features in Dying Light 2. If they are at all representative of the finished product, Dying Light 2 could once again revolutionize the zombie survival genre.

From what fans have seen of Dying Light 2, there’s a lot to be excited for. Dying Light 2’s new zombie types are just a small part of what’s been shown off in the build-up to its launch. Other exciting details include new gadgets such as a paraglider, but it’s the game’s story that sees the most significant changes. Dying Light 2 will gave players the choice of siding with one of three factions. These factions are fighting for control of The City, and aim to shape it in their own vision. Dying Light 2’s narrative choices seem as though they will be a large part of the experience of the game, which could give players the freedom to make the game’s world their own.

Dead Island 2’s Problem

Dead Island 2 is still set to release, despite a significant amount of time passing since its 2014 reveal. This year, rumors surrounding Dead Island 2’s Epic exclusivity began to spread, while Deep Silver, Dead Island 2’s publisher, teased on Twitter in December that the game was still coming. Fans of old-school zombie games will be delighted to see Dead Island 2’s eventual release, as the original Dead Island games racked up quite the fanbase. However, plenty of time has passed since the game’s 2014 reveal, and new names have taken the genre by storm. Dying Light 2 is just one of those names, and it could set the bar high for Dead Island.

Dead Island 2 has overseen a number of releases in the zombie survival genre since its announcement, as well as a significant fluctuation in the popularity of the genre as a whole. As such, the question on many gamers' minds will be whether too much time has passed. When Dead Island 2 was announced, the first Dying Light had not even been released yet, but now Dying Light 2 is perhaps one of the most anticipated games of 2021. Dead Island 2 still has a fanbase awaiting its eventual release, but Dying Light 2 may be of more interest to the majority of gamers. With Dying Light 2’s gameplay trailers impressing, and showing a lot of new features, Dead Island 2 will need to do a lot to stand out.

Dying Light 2 releases on December 7, 2021, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Dead Island 2 is in development.

MORE: The Star of Dying Light 2's Gamescom 2021 Trailer Wasn't Its Gameplay

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