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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Becomes 6th Most Funded Kickstarter Video Game, Unite Hero Attacks Revealed

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes 08 22 2020 3

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Rabbit & Bear Studios have announced their crowd-funded Suikoden veteran developer-made Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has become the 6th most funded video game on Kickstarter; by over $3.2 million USD.

As stated in our prior coverage, the 2.5D JRPG’s development team includes Yoshitaka Murayama writing the story (Suikoden, Suikoden II), Junko Kawano handling character design (Suikoden, Suikoden IV), and Osamu Komuta handling “system design and direction” (Suikoden Tactics, Suikoden Tierkreis).

The Kickstarter campaign launched July 27th, and sought $500,000 USD. Despite issues with the entire Kickstarter website going down, the campaign soon blew past that in a matter of hours, achieving over $1 million USD later that day. As of this time of writing, the Kickstarter currently sits at over $3.2 million USD with 6 days remaining.

Since our prior coverage, the game has become the 6th most funded video game on Kickstarter. This places it behind Mighty No. 9, which raised over $3.8 million USD.

The new stretch goals reached includes the addition of character Iris, Russian language support, voiced cutscenes, a 9th character via backer vote, players being able to design flags for their fortress, the Another Story: Marisa 5-10 hour DLC scenario (free to backers), and adding farming system.

You can find the full run down on Iris and the previously revealed Gocteau, some of these stretch goals below.


PROFESSION: Guild leader

FAVORITE FOOD: Steak topped with plenty of garlic

An influential leader of several guilds. That grin of his seems amiable enough, but this is a man who has been through hell, more times than one. When trouble goes down, Gocteau gets a look in his eye that scares the pants off the younger guildsmen.

He loves to gamble, but rarely wins.


“Heaven hadn’t even shat you down to earth yet when I started working this business. So do us all a favor, clam it, and watch a master ply his trade.”

Gocteau certainly sounds like an experienced fellow! He could make for a very useful ally!


HOME: The University of Carles

FAVORITE FOOD: Black tea, and biscuits to go with it

An architect who graduated from the League of Nation’s prestigious University of Carles. She’s usually quite pleasant to chat with, but when it comes to her trade, she can’t shut up. Mention the word “gables” and you’re in for an hour-long ode to the perfect slope—and don’t even get her started about gambrels!


“Oh, hello there! Come in, don’t be shy. This is a happy space! That’s what they pay me to build. I know, I live a charmed life.”

No question, an architect could certainly come in handy when building a whole town!

  • “Another Story: Marisa – This is our first DLC pack that backers will receive for FREE. Experience Marisa’s journey through the world of Eiyuden Chronicle in this 5-10 hour additional adventure.
  • Farm System – At this stretch goal, you’ll be able to build a farm in your Fortress Town, grow crops to feed your troops, and even sell some on the market to make a pretty penny. It may even become a valuable source of income.
  • Duels – At this stretch goal, you’ll unlock the ability to take on specific characters in intense one-on-one battles featuring an evolved duel system.
  • Card Battle Mode – When you’re sitting in the tavern, but still hungering for competition, you can always turn to card battling. Collect cards, build a deck, and battle NPCs throughout the world for fun, fame and glory.”

Future stretch goals include a Duel System ($3.425 million USD), a card battle mode ($3.6 million USD), and two unknown goals at $3.7 million and $3.8 million respectively.

The August 19th update revealed that the team will be “looking to gather a sample of a single phrase from the song, sung by our backers, that will later be edited into the game’s Ending Theme.” Singing ability may not be an issue, as they ask supporters “to have faith in our ability as creators to not only choose the right voices, but to masterfully…FIX IT IN POST!”

The update also provided a guide on how to pronounce Eiyuden. This was not the only video to be shown however. A new brief snippet of gameplay was shown, revealing that Unite Hero Attacks would be in the game (very close to Unite Attacks from Suikoden).

You can find the Unite Hero Attacks video below.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will launch Fall 2022 for Windows PC (via Steam), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and possibly Nintendo Switch.

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