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Employees from Rocksteady, Ninja Theory, Gearbox and Bioware are working on Fable

Fable Gameplay

According to a recent report, Veterans from Rocksteady, Ninja Theory, Gearbox, and Bioware are currently working on Playground games’ Fable Reboot. Xbox revealed the Fable Reboot in their last event if you haven’t seen the trailer for it yet, please check it out.

So as we previously mentioned, industry veterans are working on the upcoming Fable Reboot now who these industry veterans are?

Will Kennedy is working on the Fable reboot with Playground games he has previously worked on Grand Theft Auto V. He was the level designer.

Joining Kennedy, there will be Juan Fernandez de Simón, who was a lead designer for Hellblade and Hunter’s Wright. He was also the lead quest designer for the Borderlands series.

The Script of Fable Reboot will be written by Kim MacAskill, the person behind Batman Arkham Knight’s script.

Adam Olsson will also be joining these industry veterans he has previously worked on various Ubisoft games like The Division 2 and Ghost Recon series.

According to some previous reports by VGC, 200 people are working on the Fable reboot Playground games have brought a lot of talent from different studios for the Fable Reboot, which is good news for all the Fable Fans out there we might get a great fable game again thanks to Playground Games.

Fable 4 Key Credits:


Microsoft has recently stated that Making A New Fable is like the challenge of Star Wars lately.

What do you think? Please let us know in the comments below.

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