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Fallout 4 With Over 200 Active Mods Looks Insane | Game Rant

Fallout 4 Wasteland

Bethesda games are infamous for being highly moddable and Fallout 4 is no exception, so it may not be surprising to hear that some fans prefer to play a heavily modded version of the game. However, one fan has added so many mods to their copy of Fallout 4 that it could be mistaken for an entirely different game.

In a 10-minute-long video, YouTuber Ded String showcases the fruits of their efforts–a visually stunning take on the world of Fallout 4, which incorporates 205 individual mods. Ded String also provided the list of mods they were using to viewers, allowing fans to locate the best mods in Fallout 4 for their own playthroughs.

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The video showcases the player character wandering through a forested environment scattered with rusting cars, an abandoned highway overpass, and crumbling buildings. A variety of visual mods combine to create realistic bark textures on the trees, easily identifiable rust patterns on metal objects, and vehicles that seem like one could reach out and touch them. More mods bring the Fallout 4 protagonist's hands into the realm of photorealism during first-person POV mode. Not only are the player's gloves rendered in incredible detail, the subtle movements of their arms as they run have also been refined significantly for a vastly improved experience.

Several other mods are dedicated to upgrading the audio quality, adding ambient noises, and bringing out the sound of footsteps. The video also features more narrative-heavy game mods, such as America Rising – A Tale of the Enclave and Depravity, which range from adding additional options during RPG segments to adding entirely new quests. While the full results of these mods colliding is probably reserved for lengthier play sessions, it's interesting to see them featured on the list, which would make a handy reference for Fallout 4 fans looking to add to their experience in any way. The video also showcases some heavily modded weapons that make the inevitable firefights resemble a Call of Duty game.

As of writing, the video has been incredibly well-received by fans, many of whom immediately began begging for the mod list and celebrated when it was released. The general consensus appears to be that the heavily-modded game looks gorgeous, but opinions are mixed about which mods each poster would implement in their own game. Some stated they would only download the visual mods to improve the game's realism, while others have expressed interest in all of them. A few posters even suggested additional mods that could help improve immersion.

Fallout 4 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Modwatch

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