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Fan-Made Red Dead Redemption 2 Poster Focuses On Arthur’s Honor Level

Red Dead Redemption 2 has been praised as one of the best video games ever made, so it's hardly a surprise that fans are still creating tributes to its characters and themes three years after its initial release. One Red Dead Redemption 2 player recently shared a fan-made poster that draws attention to the game's honor system, which plays a significant role in the story.

Honor in the Red Dead series can be gained through a variety of actions, such as saving civilians under attack by criminals and animals or helping lawmen. However, it can also be lost if the player takes actions such as opposing lawmen, aiding outlaws, or attacking innocents. While the honor system bears many similarities to the morality systems found in other video games, Red Dead Redemption 2's honor system directly affects Arthur Morgan's personality and values as well as whether he finds peace in death during the game's ending.

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Redditor FireElla5 decided to create a fan-made poster that highlights Red Dead Redemption 2's honor system and the way it influences the already morally questionable Arthur Morgan. The poster features a close-up on Arthur Morgan's grizzled face, the right side bathed in a soft blue glow and the left side shrouded in a hellish red light. The illumination comes from plus and minus honor symbols hovering on either side of him. Above his head reads text declaring that "The choice is yours. Be good. Be bad. Maybe a little of both."

A Poster I Made for RDR2 in Photoshop (some constructive criticism would be nice) from

While many fans appear to agree that Arthur Morgan's character arc makes the most thematic sense if he has a high honor level by the end of the game, Red Dead Redemption 2 drew on samurai films to ensure that his character would still work however players decided to tackle the game's challenges. The result is a charming rogue with a penchant for poor decisions, but who will always risk himself to get John Marston's family to safety in his last days. Even the flashbacks Arthur Morgan has after his TB diagnosis are governed by his honor level, with high-honor players remembering more hopeful words while low-honor players will recall more defeatist words instead.

As of writing, fans appear to have welcomed this poster with open arms, with one going so far as to say that there's nothing to criticize about it. Other posters did suggest a few minor tweaks, though this didn't seem to dent their enjoyment. Another user asked, jokingly or seriously, where they could buy a real-life version of the poster. This isn't the first time Red Dead fans have sought to create real-world versions of Red Dead artifacts and fan creations. However, the overwhelming positivity this poster has received as of writing is striking.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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