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Final Fantasy 14: How To Beat Bozjan Phantom In Delubrum Reginae

Bozjan Phantom

You've made it halfway through Final Fantasy 14's Delubrum Reginae, but the worst is yet to come. Luckily, the Bozjan Phantom is the calm before the storm, so take this opportunity to prepare for the final two bosses following.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: How To Beat Trinity Seeker In Delubrum Reginae

The Bozjan Phantom is the third boss of Delubrum Reginae, and is one of the simpler fights in the dungeon. There are only a few different mechanics to be aware of, and you should be able to get the hang of them quickly. Let's go over each of this boss's mechanics and how to avoid them.

Bozjan Phantom Walkthrough

In the arena where you fight the Bozjan Phantom, the north and south walls will be covered in a death zone, which will instantly kill any player that touches it. Avoid entering this area at all costs.

Each of the Bozjan Phantom's attacks are listed below.



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Next: Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Resistance Weapons

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