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Final Fantasy 14: The Bowl Of Embers (Hard) Guide

Ifrit Crimson Cyclone

The first Primal you face in your Final Fantasy 14 journey is Ifrit, the Lord of the Inferno. Now that you're level 50, you will once again face off against Ifrit, this time with a full party of eight players. Although you may have experience in the Bowl of Embers, don't discount Ifrit's increased difficulty in this Hard version of the fight. If you aren't prepared, this trial just might get the best of you.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: The Whorleater (Extreme) Guide

Let's take a look at each of this trial's phases, and what attacks Ifrit will use in each of them. Additionally, we'll go over how you can avoid these attacks, and ultimately defeat the Lord of the Inferno.

How To Unlock The Bowl of Embers (Hard)

To unlock this trial, you will need to complete the following quests.

Trial Walkthrough

Phase One

This trial will begin in Phase One, and Ifrit will have access to the following four attacks. These attacks should be simple to avoid, as the real challenge of this fight will come later on.

Phase Two

Phase Two begins when Ifrit reaches roughly 75% health remaining. In addition to the attacks he performs in phase 1, Ifrit will add two new moves to his arsenal.

Phase Three

A trick for quickly destroying the Nails is to save your Limit Break for them. Using a magic DPS Limit Break on all four Nails should bring them to around 25% health, allowing your party to quickly finish them off.

Phase 4

After Ifrit casts Hellfire, the fight will enter phase four. Here, Ifrit will attack will all of his abilities from previous phases (excluding Hellfire), until you defeat him. Ifrit will use his attacks in the following order.

  1. Radiant Plumes (outer ring)
  2. Radiant Plumes (inner ring)
  3. Eruption
  4. Radiant Plumes (whole arena except for a small area behind Ifrit)
  5. Crimson Cyclone (this version differs slightly; Ifrit will summon two additional copies of himself, dashing a total of three times. The left-most Ifrit will always dash first)

Besides the change to Crimson Cyclone, there are no new attacks introduced in this phase. Use everything you've learned from the previous phases and take Ifrit down.


Next: Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Zodiac Weapons

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