
Final Fantasy XVI Producer Shares Dubbing Update on Live Stream

They’re Doing the Facial Capturing Now, Too

Final Fantasy XVI hasn’t been receiving a ton of media attention of late, but the team is still hard at work. In fact, Final Fantasy XVI Producer Naoki Yoshida–also known as YoshiP–recently updated fans on the current development progress during a live stream hosted by WasyaganaTV on YouTube.

In the video, YoshiP is shown playing Final Fantasy XIV with the show’s hosts, and at the 2:49 timestamp, the discussion turns to the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI. There, YoshiP informed us all that the English dubbing of the game is nearly complete and they’ll be starting the Japanese dubbing soon.

As of writing, the stream doesn’t have English subtitles, but DualShockers was able to translate the relevant parts of the conversation. Thus, we can safely state that YoshiP has a firm policy of not attending recording sessions so that he doesn’t start stepping in on the writers’ territory.

As a scenarist himself, he knows that if he starts throwing his weight around, it’ll be disrespectful to the writers and confusing to the voice actors. This applies to his work on both Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XVI, but he was still able to give some more specific updates on where developing is right now.

According to YoshiP, Final Fantasy XVI’s English dub is being done in British English, and they’re doing the facial capturing now to make sure the lip movements match the dialogue. When the Japanese dubbing begins, it will receive separate facial capture so that the team won’t have to adjust the cutscenes behind the scenes.

It’s full capture, he assures us, so the motion capture for most–but not all–cutscenes and voice acting are happening simultaneously. Usually, Japanese games start with a Japanese dub, so it’s interesting that Final Fantasy XVI decided to record the English dub first.

Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XVI is currently in development.

When do you think Final Fantasy XVI will be ready to be shown off? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.


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