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G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Comes To PS4, Xbox One, Switch, And PC October 13

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Depending on how old you are, you almost certainly remember the G.I. Joe series. Originally spawning from a toy line, it saw the heroic Joes battling the wicked Cobra, with each side seeing their respective members in fun and over the top situations. Now it’s time for the series to come back to video games with G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout.

Via IGN, developer GameMill Entertainment released the official announcement trailer for the game. It is a action title in the hero shooter mold that sees you take on the role of many iconic series regulars such as Duke, Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes and many more, with a total of 12 different characters. While it does have mulitplayer with a variety of modes, including local couch co-op, it also has a full single player campaign that spans 18 missions where you switch playing between the Joes and Cobra.

G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout will release on October 13th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.

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