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Genshin Impact: Best Recipes to Cook

Genshin Impact Best Food 3

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In Genshin Impact, food is incredibly important to heal, boost the party, restore stamina, and more. If players are looking to get the most bang for their buck when cooking, there are some recipes that do quite a lot with very little. Here are the top recipes to cook in Genshin Impact.

Best Healing Foods

In order to be one of the best healing foods, players need to be able to not only access the ingredients easily, but it also needs to have as few of them as possible. Based on this, the top favorite healing recipes are:

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Mushroom Pizza

Mushrooms grow all over the place on the map of Teyvat, which means players probably have a good number of them already in their inventory. The other three ingredients, cabbage, flour, and cheese, can all be purchased directly or processed out of ingredients that can be purchased directly. This means that players can make tons of these; making them with Jean not only helps to increase the amount of food made, but also can create a special version of this dish: Invigorating Pizza. This version of the pizza restores 34% of Max HP and regenerates 980 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds.

Sweet Madame

It's hard to think of Genshin Impact foods without thinking about the Sweet Madame. It's used in several quests and is also one of several foods that miHoYo released official Teyvat recipes for so players can cook the Genshin treat in real life. It only needs 2 fowl, which players can get from killing any birds on the map (usually with a bow user) and 2 Sweet Flowers, which spawn almost everywhere on the map.

Honorable Mentions

Best Stamina Recovery or Stamina Boosting Foods

There are foods in Genshin Impact that both replace lost stamina and lessen the amount of stamina while doing a certain activity. Here are the best ones that Mora can buy.

Barbatos Ratatouille

This recipe is a must-have for any long gliding trip that players plan to go on. Potatoes and onions can easily be purchased, and players can grow loads of carrots at their Serenitea Pots.

Sticky Honey Roast

Unlike the Barbatos Ratatouille, the Stick Honey Roast helps players use less stamina while climbing. This is a great tool early game before players have had the chance to upgrade their stamina.

Cold Noodles with Mountain Delicacies

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The most stamina a player can replace in an instant with food is 80, and the Cold Noodles with Mountain Delicacies is the best way to get it. The ingredients are very basic and the recipe is cheap to purchase.

Best Revival Foods

Teyvat Fried Egg

Considering that bird eggs in Genshin Impact spawn in tons of trees all over the map, one egg is a small price to pay to revive a character. This is the easiest thing to make, and players can also purchase them from several vendors.

Best DEF Boosting Foods

Defensive foods can work one of two ways; they can either boost the characters' defense directly or they can boost the shields of characters. Since there are several Genshin Impact characters with shields, like Noelle, there are both kinds listed in here.

Lotus Flower Crisp

The Lotus Flower Crisp is great because players can purchase all the ingredients needed to make it. Almonds, Flour, Butter, and Sugar can all be purchased in Liyue Harbor, Mondstadt City, and in Inazuma's main city.

Moon Pie

Moon Pie is a difficult recipe to get, but once players have it, it can be made with ingredients they probably have laying around. This massive boost to shields is perfect for the teams built around having shields up as often as possible.

Fisherman's Toast

Not only are all of the foods needed to make Toast available for purchase, but this recipe is also available to purchase already made from several vendors around Teyvat. Players can buy pre-made Toasts from Chef Mao in Liyue, Sara in Mondstadt, and Shimura Kanbei in Inazuma.

Best Offensive Buff Foods

Offensive foods are those that give buffs to attack power and Critical rates. These foods can help give players that little edge they may need to defeat difficult enemies and survive to battle again.

Adeptus' Temptation

There is no beating this recipe. It's the only five-star recipe currently in the game. Although it's a little hard to get the recipe itself, the ingredients are all ones that can be purchased. The Ham can either be purchased or Genshin Impact players can process this food with raw meat and salt. And the effects of consuming this food are extremely high; players can boost everyone's attack power by a massive amount. Coupled with the critical rate increase, the Adeptus' Temptation cannot be beat.

Genshin Impact is available for mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5.

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Source: HoYoLab, Wiki

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