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Ghost of Tsushima might be getting a DLC according to new reports

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Recently Shepshal_Nick hinted at a Ghost of Tsushima DLC. He is a very reliable leaker and has leaked multiple things related to Sony in the past.
Sucker Punch already confirmed that they were working on something related to Ghost of Tsushima; this could be a Miles Morales like game or some sort of DLC we do not know anything yet.
I really hope that this DLC has good writing because I was very disappointed with the Story of the Ghost of Tsushima; you can read my full review here.
I assume that this DLC would be announced at the rumoured PlayStation Experience event, which is supposed to take place on 8th July
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A Ghost of Tsushima spin-off type game would be amazing. I want something similar to what Spider-Man Miles Morales is like, a proper standalone shorter game. I think something like that can work very well; the original game was very inconsistent in terms of Pacing, and I think this issue can be fixed if they were to make a shorter game with a more interesting story and a better mission design.
What do you think about the rumours of a new Ghost of Tsushima DLC? Please let us know in the comments below.

Ankit Gaba

Editor-In-Chief of Gaming Route
Huge fan of Action-RPGs, Rogue Likes, FPS Games and Simulators.

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