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Glitchpunk: How to Fix Stuck Escortees and VIPs | Game Rant

Glitchpunk Fix Stuck Escortees And Vips

Glitchpunk is finally here, and it offers players an action-heavy, top-down take on a futuristic dystopia. As an early access title, it has a few wrinkles that need ironing out, but it actually hasn't been that bumpy of a launch.

Some bugs are even helping players, disregarding timers and kill counts required for certain contracts. However, there are still quite a few issues that are negatively affecting the gameplay experience. FPS is dropping, textures are sparkling, and game crashes are occurring, leading many to seek out their own way to improve the performance in Glitchpunk.

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On top of these issues, some contracts seem impossible to complete due to gameplay bugs. Thankfully, most of them have an easy fix, including how to fix stuck escortees and VIPs.

There are a decent amount of contracts in the indie title that ask players to pick up characters and take them to a certain destination. This becomes an issue when the NPC doesn't want to move. If a timer (that isn't also bugged) is ticking down, this can become a stressful situation. A mission can be repeated if failed, but it's already difficult to do when the combat is so unforgiving.

Thankfully, there is a quick and easy way to fix stuck escortee and VIP characters: walk into them until they start to move. This should almost always work, and players are free to continue with the rest of the mission. Make sure to avoid driving into the NPC, as this might kill them and auto-fail the mission.

Just in case a more serious bug occurs, players should always be saving in Glitchpunk before attempting a contract. There are no autosaves, so if players die they will respawn without their items or weapons. Saving also acts as a soft reboot to the game's performance. Players should head to a Hideout if they start to notice significant FPS drops occurring.

Developer Dark Lord has set out a roadmap for its Grand Theft Auto-inspired title, with the first patch coming a month after launch. Players will be able to explore the city of Old Texas. It's also likely to include bug fixes and performance upgrades.

The Polish studio has also promised that full controller support for Glitchpunk will be added during its time in early access. This is great news for gamepad users, as the Steam configuration makes it tough to play in its current state.

Glitchpunk is out now on early access for PC.

MORE: Glitchpunk: How to Get Modules

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