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Halo Infinite Campaign Details Leaked During Tech Test

Halo Infinite’s first technical test gave us a glimpse of the game’s multiplayer mode, customization options and overall bot behaviour. Unfortunately, a datamine of the technical test has also leaked some information about the game’s campaign.

It seems that the developers inadvertently included some campaign files in the test. “We unintentionally included a small number of Halo Infinite campaign files in the tech preview build. Unfortunately, these files contain spoilers,” tweeted 343 Industries creative lead Joseph Staten. “Leaks like this are painful for the dev team and can ruin the campaign experience for everyone. So please, keep you [sic] eyes peeled for spoilers and don't spread them if you see them.”

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As spotted by PC Gamer, the leak hasn’t led to any major spoilers, they’re mostly story beats and mission parameters which don’t really make much sense without context. “What we've previously seen of Infinite seems like a fresh start with mostly new characters on a new Halo ring. Also included is a list of achievement titles and weapons that we already know about or that you can probably guess based on earlier gameplay reveals,” said Morgan Park of PC Gamer.

However, 343 Industries isn’t taking this lying down, and has asked that these spoilers not be shared. Additionally, Halo community director Brian Jarrard has also said that datamined content being posted on YouTube or other channels will result in a DMCA takedown. “Please don't post data-mined content to your channels!” tweeted Jarrard. “You run a very real risk of getting a takedown notice, which could result in a strike on certain platforms. If you have already posted content, we recommend removing it from your channel proactively.”

Among the things revealed during the technical test was Halo Infinite’s in depth multiplayer customization options. 343 Industries head of design, Jerry Hook, took viewers through these customizations during the livestream. "When you take a look at Spartan armor, it's like strapping on an F-22," said Hook. "Or maybe you want a set of armor that is like an M1 Abrams tank. Each one of those vehicles is unique and has a unique character."

Another small but noteworthy feature revealed was the weapon-drop button. Now you don’t need to kill your teammates in order to swap weapons with them.

NEXT: Cortana's Story Shouldn't Be Pushed Aside In Halo Infinite

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