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Halo Infinite Helmets Leaked

Images of 30 Halo Infinite helmets have leaked online and while many of them look pretty similar, one of them definitely does not.

An exact release date for Halo Infinite still hasn't been revealed, but as of right now the highly anticipated game is still meant to be here before the end of 2021. Infinite, which was originally going to be a launch title alongside the Xbox Series X|S, was delayed like a lot of other games thanks to the pandemic. However, a 2021 arrival seems more and more likely, especially after Infinite's recent technical test during which players were given their first chance to take it for a spin.

It also seems plenty of helmets are ready to go as images of 30 have leaked online. The images have emerged on Imgur, and honestly, most of them look incredibly similar at first glance. You'd have to get pretty close to an enemy to notice the difference between the first two helmets in the second row, for example. Or just as close if you're the one trying to show off your fancy headwear.

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As highlighted in the comments on the Reddit post below, there is something interesting and potentially exciting about a few of the leaked images. They appear to have been inspired by Fallout. Xbox now owns Fallout studio Bethesda, so it's entirely possible items in Infinite will be Fallout-themed. That also might mean other crossover items make the cut. A Doomguy themed helmet would look very cool indeed.

Halo Infinite leaked (almost every) helmet + leaked snowman from

There is one helmet that stands out over all of the others. The spartan at the bottom with the head of a snowman. There appears to be a mixed reaction to it. Some think it's amusing and pretty cool, pun intended, while others are hoping the novelty head is tied to some sort of LTM. On the bright side, if you can wear a snowman head whenever you like, enemies who decide to do so will stick out like a sore thumb.

343 Industries recently revealed that Infinite will have at least one more technical preview before the full game launches. The date for the test has not been revealed, however, it will allow players to get to grips with Infinite's 4v4 and big team battle modes for the very first time.

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