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Her Story Creator’s Next Game is Immortality, Releases in 2022


Sam Barlow isn’t your typical game creator – titles like Her Story and Telling Lies have been more like interactive movies with real-life actors and complex, rich narratives. His next title Immortality appears to be going down the same path. It’s currently set to release in 2022 for PC and focuses on fictional actress Marissa Marcel.

Marcel made three movies but for some reason, none of them were ever released. By the trailer’s end, we learn that it was her “dream” to be an actress (which feels like some kind of grim foreshadowing). Along with Barlow as director, the title features writing from Allan Scott (Queen’s Gambit), Amelia Gray (Mr. Robot, Maniac) and Barry Gifford (Wild at Heart, Lost Highway).

You’ve probably noticed that each writer has a penchant for psychological thriller/horror films so it should be interesting to see how Immortality progresses. Stay tuned for more details and updates in the coming months.

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