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Hitman 3 will change the series’ one-shot Elusive Targetson 18 August 2020 at 1:39 pm

Hitman 3 Will Change The Series' One Shot Elusive Targets

We’ve got a little more detail on the modes coming to Hitman 3 – and there are a couple of changes afoot.

The series’ popular but controversial Elusive Targets mode – where you get only one chance to pick off a particular person like Sean Bean – is being retooled.

It sounds like you’ll still get little help from the game for how to complete the mission, but developer IO Interactive has said there will be “changes to the formula” it’ll release at a later date. Fans have long asked for more opportunities to complete failed attempts down the line – this is perhaps a hint those wishes will be granted.

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We’ve got a little more detail on the modes coming to Hitman 3 – and there are a couple of changes afoot. The series’ popular but controversial Elusive Targets mode – where you get only one chance to pick off a particular person like Sean Bean – is being retooled. It sounds like you’ll still get little help from the game for how to complete the mission, but developer IO Interactive has said there will be “changes to the formula” it’ll release at a later date. Fans have long asked for more opportunities to complete failed attempts down the line – this is perhaps a hint those wishes will be granted. Read

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