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How To Beat The Pyro Hypostasis In Genshin Impact

Pyro Hypostasis Ember Genshin Impact Cropped

Genshin Impact 2.0 brought with it the launch of a new region called Inazuma. This region is bustling with tons of new content, including some elemental bosses that you will need to start farming in order to ascend all the upcoming characters. One of these bosses is a Pyro Hypostasis, and it fights quite a bit differently from other elemental bosses that you’ve fought before.

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Without the proper team, the Pyro Hypostasis will lock you into battle for quite some time. The guide below will help you to know whichcharacters to use, as well as give you tips for beating the Pyro Hypostasis quickly.

Dealing With the Pyro Hypostasis’s Shield

Before you even begin the battle, ensure that you don’t have any Pyro characters in your party, as this boss is immune to Pyro attacks. Next, you will want to ensure that you have a hydro character in your party. The best characters for this role are Barbara and Mona, as they are catalysts that can continually use hydro base attacks. Be cautious of the Pyro Hypostasis roll attack, as it’s extremely hard to dodge even when sprinting. To help with the damage, use a shield character to protect your party; if you have Xinyan, then her shield will absorb 250% pyro damage.

The Pyro Hypostasis can also shapeshift into different animals to charge at you and spit Pyro attacks. Be cautious when it goes to the middle of the field as it will slam down, causing a wave of Pyro damage to speed across the field. Keep your distance when fighting this boss, especially when it has its shield up.

The Pyro Hypostasis starts the battle with a Pyro shield; the quickest way to deal with the shield is with hydro or electro attacks.

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Fischl is a great choice as she can keep her distance while dealing damage; if you don’t have Fischl, then Lisa is a great second choice. The Pyro Hypostasis is able to get its shield back in battle and will summon three embers on the field. If you can put out all three quickly, then the Hypostasis won’t regain a shield.

Damaging the Pyro Hypostasis

Once the shield is down, you will have periods of time where you can damage the Pyro Hypostasis. Like other Hypostasis bosses, you need to wait for the core to be exposed in order to deal damage. This boss never leaves itself exposed for long, so be sure to use reactions to your advantage to deal the maximum amount of damage.

Be cautious of the boss summoning pyro pillars onto the battlefield and its homing middle attack when it floats up into the air. You will also find that the Pyro Hypostasis moves around the field a lot, so it can be a bit difficult to set up certain character combinations like using Ganyu’s burst to cause constant cryo damage. Try to quickly trigger bursts when the core is already exposed.

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