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How To Defeat Dahu In Final Fantasy 14


Final Fantasy 14's Delubrum Reginae is an important step in the Save the Queen questline. If you also plan on making a Resistance Weapon, you'll be running this dungeon quite a bit. Let's take a look at the dungeon's second boss, Dahu. We'll take an in-depth look at each of its attacks, as well as how to avoid them.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: How To Beat Trinity Seeker In Delubrum Reginae

If you completed the level 60 dungeon Sohm Al (Hard), you may remember the boss Gowrow. Dahu will demonstrate similar abilities to this boss, and shares a similar appearance as well.

Dahu Walkthrough

The second fight in Delubrum Reginae is the mini-boss Dahu. While not as mechanically challenging as Trinity Seeker, Dahu still has a few attacks that can kill you.

Getting hit by any of Dahu's attacks will apply Twice-come Ruin. Getting two stacks of this debuff will inflict Doom — instantly killing you after a few seconds. Avoid Dahu's attacks as much as possible. Unlike Trinity Seeker, the first boss of Delubrum Reginae, the arena in which you fight Dahu is not surrounded by a death zone.

Below are each of Dahu's attacks, as well as how to avoid them.


Next: Final Fantasy 14: Dancer Guide

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