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Humankind: Beginner Tips


Humankind is Amplitude's brand new 4X game where you take control of human civilization through the ages, from the Neolithic to the Contemporary. The game shares some mechanics with Civilization 6 but pushes out in lots of new directions that are unique to the genre.

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This list covers everything you need to know to get started in Humankind, including the best Neolithic starting strategy, understanding how to choose your civilization progression, and generally how to get to grips with all the mechanics.

How To Succeed In The Neolithic Era

So, you've chosen an avatar and started your first game of Humankind. You enter the Neolithic Era with a single tribe unit. Be careful, as it is possible to just lose the game right away if your unit dies.

Here's a summary of what you should be doing:

Best Place To Found Your First City

Rivers. Rivers are the very best place to settle your city. There are a bunch of improvements later on, like the Water Mill, that will provide extra Production and Food for River tiles.

There are some important things to keep in mind about tile yields.

How To Progress To The Next Era

Progressing from era to era works by collecting Stars, which are awarded for completing various tasks: killing military units, getting population, or building districts.

You can focus your civilization around achieving a certain thing to progress to the next era quicker, but this is where the Fame mechanic comes in.

However, you also don't want to wait too long between progressing. There are a limited number of civilizations (10) you can choose from, and if something else grabs it, they're gone.

What Are The Best Civilizations In The Game?

Humankind is still pretty much fresh, which means there have been little to no balance changes made to the release version. That means there are some cultures that stick out from the rest — the "meta" civs.

For your first few runs into Humankind, you probably just want to pick the culture that looks fun. The Assyrians are good at fighting, the Phoenicians can make extra gold…there are hundreds of thousands of different combinations to eventually choose from as you mix and match your cultures.

How To Get Better At Combat In Humankind

Combat is one of the most unique mechanics in Humankind. It fuses 4X with RTS, essentially, where you can move individual units around a battlefield. Playing big battles manually can make a serious difference, as the auto-resolve is…well, a little weird.

Here are some things to keep in mind about combat.

NEXT: The 10 Best RPGs Of The Generation (According To Metacritic)

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