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Humankind: The Best Cultures

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There are dozens of different cultures in Humankind, covering the Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Early Modern, Industrial, and Contemporary eras. Each culture has its own unique strengths and benefits.

RELATED: Humankind: Beginner Tips

Because of the potentially hundreds of thousands of different iterations as you mix cultures, listing off the "best" cultures for each part of the game is pretty tricky. The benefits of each culture will impact you in completely different ways. To try and keep this guide somewhat succinct, we'll just cover some of the standouts from each era. So, starting with Ancient…

Best Cultures In The Ancient Era

The Ancient era comes with the first big decision you have to make in Humankind: which Culture should you choose first? Here are some of the best in the game's current meta.

The Zhou

The Zhou is a strong culture that relies heavily on its Stability bonuses. Stability has an impact on how happy your cities are, and each District you build reduces Stability. This makes the Zhou very strong at developing cities in the early game without a penalty.

The Egyptians

The Egyptians are a Production and Industry powerhouse. If you've opted for a city settle with 10+ production, go for the Egyptians. Their Pyramids are brilliant throughout the game, and their Markabata unique unit is solid.

Other powerful options include the Harrapans and Nubians, depending on what sort of start you have. Humankind is quite flexible with its options.

Best Cultures In The Classical Era

This is where things start to get even more flexible. There are thousands of different ways to play Humankind, mixing and matching cultures as you progress. Here are some top choices for the Classical era.

The Maya

A transition from Egyptians into Maya is super strong if you're going for an Industry game. Their Noble Javelineers are also very strong for turtling up and building your cities.

Achaemenid Persians

It's super important that you get your territory established early, so the +2 City Cap from the Persians is a huge boost in the early game.

Other top picks include the Mauryans for Influence and the Huns for fast-paced pushes with cavalry units.

Best Cultures In The Medieval Era

Moving into the Medieval Era, you want to start looking closely at the synergies within your civilization. Pick accordingly. Here are some solid options regardless of where you stand. You don't always get the pick you want.

The Khmer

Riding on that Industry train (honestly, Industry is so strong in Humankind) we carry on with the Khmer. Their bonus just straight up gives you extra Industry for your Maker's Quarters. Simple, but effective.

The English

If you've opted for a food-based or expansionist civilization, then the English are a great choice. Their boost provides a massive amount of food for attached territories.

There are a couple of other top-tier options, too, like the Franks for a full Influence build, or the Byzantines for Gold with Alliances — diplomacy is actually pretty good in Humankind.

Best Early Modern Cultures

Moving swiftly into the Early Modern era, the cultures here are very strong for setting your civ up for a late-game push.


It's time to start thinking more aggressively about science, particularly if you're on a higher difficulty. Joseon is a strong option to boost your tech.

The Early Modern cultures are very specific to their uses, like the Mughals for more Industry, or the Dutch for extra gold and trading bonuses. Make your decision based on what your civ is already doing well.

Best Industrial Cultures

Factories, smog, and coal… welcome to the Industrial era. These are the best cultures to pick from during the Industrial era (if you're quick enough.)


Whether you're struggling for food or not, the Mexican's massive boost to food in all cities accelerates your growth rate to prepare for purchasing Industrial troops. This is a solid culture regardless of what has come beforehand.

The French

For a big science spike in the Industrial era, it has to be the French. Their bonus just gives you a flat 10 percent boost to science in every city, very strong if you lead in the earlier eras with a science-based culture. On higher difficulties, you'll likely be playing catch-up with the AI, so science

For naval warfare, it has to be the Germans for their +3 naval strength bonus, and for stacking Influence, try the Austro-Hungarians.

Best Contemporary Cultures

You've reached the end of the game, and the Contemporary cultures provide some of the largest flat boosts out of the lot. Whether it's the Australians or back the modern Egyptians, there's a lot to choose from. Here's what we've had success with so far.

The Australians

Industry! If you've spent all game stacking Maker's Quarters, the Australians are incredibly powerful, with a flat +20 percent industry boost to all cities.

The Soviets

This is a strong culture, especially if you're opting for a military victory. Massive reductions for unit industry and +3 combat strength can you give that extra edge you need to win the game…or the AI.

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