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Ikumi Nakamura opens her own Indie Game Studio, and she is working on a new IP


Recently in the “Remnant Tour,” Ikumi Nakamura said that after leaving Tango Gameworks, she has now started her own Small Game Development Studio, and she is currently working on a new IP; her exact words from the Remnant tour were “I made a tweet saying that I had quit. On that same day, I had received around 2000 messages on LinkedIn.” She stated later, “There were messages of encouragement, support, and Job offers as well. Many people were also offering me to come and visit their Studios. It was a chance for me to travel and learn what made a good working environment. I decided to use that experience to open my own Small Studio and build a new IP”
Source: Remnant Tour (Time-mark 10:20)

She also revealed that Ghostwire Tokyo has been in development since 2015 in that Remnant Tour. I cannot wait to see what Ikumi Nakamura is currently working on. I do not expect the project to be announced yet because it is probably in very early development, and She recently formed the Studio. I hope Ikumi Nakamura’s new IP is successful and receives a great reception from the critics and the gamers.
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