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InXile Entertainment Is Working On A New Steampunk RPG, Says Insider


InXile's has a long history with the RPG genre, so it's unsurprising that the latest reports have it down for working on yet another new series. Best known for Wasteland 2 and its sequel, many in the company had their start at Interplay, working on RPGs for several years now.

Now, according to Windows Central's Jez Corden, the team is gearing up for another new project. Speaking on his podcast, The Xbox Two, Corden confirmed that inXile's rumoured new game is in development, and it will be an RPG with a steampunk setting.

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"Well, I don't want to spoil too much about it. We'll say it's called "Project Colbolt". It is supposedly a steampunk RPG", revealed Corden. When asked by the co-host about the rumours that it will be a first-person shooter, Corden responds saying: "I don't know for sure about that. I suspect it probably is first person."

Corden goes on to say that he doesn't know how far along in development it is, and that it "could be miles away". The only thing he could confirm is that it is indeed being called "Colbolt" internally, and that it is in development.

While Corden didn't put a date on the game, previous information courtesy of Venture Beat's Jeff Grubb has the project aiming for a 2023 release. This would put it in the same launch year as other Microsoft published games such as Perfect Dark and Fable.

It isn't unlikely at all that InXile is working on a new, far off project, considering the launch of Wasteland 3 last year. The reviews were overwhelmingly positive, with high scores across the board. In our own review, we gave it 5/5, particularly praising its world-building and roleplaying features.

InXile is headed by Brian Fargo, who originally founded Interplay in 1983. While at his first company, he co-designed the first Wasteland game – the series he still works on to this day. Interplay was incredibly influential in the 1990s, having developed the classic Fallout titles, and published the first two entries in the Baldur's Gate series.

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