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King’s Bounty 2: Where To Get Spells

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Those wishing to annihilate enemies in battle should definitely consider picking up more spells, as there are a ton in King's Bounty 2 that can be useful to gamers adventuring through the magic and monster-filled land of Nostria. While spells alone cannot outright defeat entire enemy forces, they certainly grant enough potential to make each fight a great deal more favorable for the player.

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However, before players spend all their Gold on buying spells, it is crucial to take note of the kinds of spells that the player can use, as spending money on unusable spells is pointless and can actually lead to gamers potentially soft-locking themselves into a situation where they are starved of resources and cannot buy more troops in order to win battles.

With that said, those who have properly gauged their magical capabilities can blast foes to smithereens as well as buff or heal allied units to bring them back from the brink of death. The very best spells will need to be sought out, as players don't start with very many, so be sure to explore thoroughly in order to acquire more!

How To Find Spell Scrolls While Exploring

Players can find plenty of spell scrolls by naturally exploring the world, which is not only less expensive than buying them from merchants but can also lead players to discover hidden areas that are full of even more loot. All spell scrolls obtainable by simply stumbling across them can be found laying around on their own or within chests, barrels, and other searchable containers.

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It is important to note that all lootable containers and items will have a golden glow around them, which should make most stand out quite easily in most areas. However, since this bright aura and the minute particle effects are bound to the objects themselves, if the objects are small (such as a single gemstone or a coin pouch), even the golden indicator glow can be hard to spot.

Thankfully, if players miss something with their eyes, their map will graciously mark where found yet unlooted containers show up. Players still need to actually get within a certain range for the chest marker to automatically show up on one's map, so exploring thoroughly is still vital.

Where To Buy Spell Scrolls From Merchants

By far the best source of spell scrolls in the first big portion of King's Bounty 2 is the merchant Sargonius, who can be found in the Crown Lands very close to where one enters the region across the bridge from the king's castle. While each spell is fairly costly, players can make use of the 5000 Gold budget given to them by prince Adrian to pick up some of the more interesting ones.

As there are plenty of quests in the Crown Lands to complete, gamers can always come back to Sargonius to buy more spells later since he never leaves his merchant stall. Depending on a player's starting character and their personal preferences, certain spells will be more desirable than others, however, it is recommended to obtain a diverse spread of them to be able to handle anything that occurs in battle, including heals, ally buffs, enemy debuffs, as well as the ever-desirable damage-dealing spells.

NEXT: King's Bounty 2: Where To Get Early Game Anarchy Units

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