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Media Molecule Is Releasing A New Adventure Game Built Using Dreams


Dreams is the game where you make and play other games–sometimes recreating entire franchises in its robust creative engine. Or sometimes you just make a disgusting breakfast with far too much texture resolution.

Winner of multiple awards, Sony had high hopes that Dreams would take off in a big way, leading to a Roblox-style metaverse where people would log into Dreams to play thousands of fan-created games. That didn't quite happen as Dreams struggled to maintain its player count, but that hasn't stopped Media Molecule from hosting its annual DreamsCom virtual convention.

This year’s convention will start off with a special announcement. Media Molecule is presenting a brand new game made entirely in Dreams called Tren, a "high-score chasing, track-building adventure" game. Initially a personal project from lead designer John Beech, the studio decided to expand on Beech’s work to turn Tren into its own stand-alone game.

We have no idea what the game is actually about, but Media Molecule gave us a clue in the form of a toy train. We’ll get the full announcement with DreamsCom21 starting at 12 PM EST (9 AM PST) today.

DreamsCom21 is a virtual event where players create virtual avatars to explore an entire dreamscape of games created in Dreams. DreamsCom21 runs from July 27 to August 2, so if you’ve got Dreams, log in to check it out or watch the livestream on Twitch and TikTok.

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