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Metroid Got More Attention From Nintendo On Its 35th Than The Legend Of Zelda

Metroid Samus Returns Queen Metroid Defeat

2021 is a huge year for Nintendo anniversaries – Donkey Kong is celebrating its 40th birthday, Animal Crossing and Pikmin have turned 20, Metroid and Kid Icarus are 35, Mario Kart is about to hit 29, and Yoshi is 30. Oh, I missed one – Zelda's 35 now.

Nintendo seemed to miss that as well. The original Legend of Zelda game launched on February 21, 1986 and yet, when the date rolled around earlier this year, there was radio silence. Nintendo had zilch to say. Given that it's one of its flagship series, fans were a little confused. At the least, they expected a celebratory tweet. Nada.

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Meanwhile, Metroid turns 35 today and Nintendo has been posting on all its social media, sharing new footage from the upcoming Metroid Dread game. It was a running joke when Zelda got nothing from Nintendo that it was par for the course with the Metroid series but it looks like the tables have turned.

What's more, when Zelda's anniversary arrived, it was a week after a Nintendo Direct where nothing was revealed either. People thought that was because Nintendo was saving some juicy announcements for the anniversary. Turns out, it would reveal a Skyward Sword HD remaster way after the fact.

More info was given about Breath of the Wild 2 at E3 as well. That was, again, after the anniversary.

February was a dry month for Zelda fans in spite of it being the series' birthday but avid Metroid players are eating good this month, it seems. Nintendo even revealed that you can see Samus' face through her mask. Revolutionary stuff.

Perhaps later this year while Breath of the Wild 2 rears its head, Zelda's fans will get more to chew on but, for now, it looks like 2021 is the year of Mario, Metroid, and Pokemon.

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