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MP bill takes aim at PlayStation 5 price scalping


Following the creation of an Early Day Motion to discuss console scalping in the UK, it seems MPs are now beginning to draft legislation to tackle the issue – although I wouldn't get your hopes up for anything to become law in the near future.

Named the Gaming Hardware (Automated Purchase and Resale) Bill 2019-21, the bill has been introduced to the House of Commons by Scottish National Party MP Douglas Chapman, who hopes to tackle console scalping in a similar manner to ticket touting. The bill was presented to Parliament on 3rd February, and is currently being prepared for publication (no date has yet been set for the second reading and debate in the Commons).

The bill is what's known as a Private Member's bill, meaning the MP introducing it is not a cabinet member, and as such it stands a lower chance of passing than government-backed Public bills. Still, Private Members' bills can help draw attention to an issue, and lead to legislation more indirectly. You can keep track of the bill's progress over here.

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