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Multi-Platform Machine Learning Warzone Hack Taken Down By Activision

User101 Site Via Uservizdotcom

Good news on the never-ending war against hackers. Development on the machine-learning platform-agnostic Warzone hack has stopped thanks to a cease-and-desist from Activision.

This special hack surfaced last week after the Anti-Cheat PD Twitter account noted a YouTube video that advertised its existence. What was so special about this hack was that it was particularly difficult to detect and that it could also work just fine on consoles.

The hack–called User Vision Pro–used machine learning to analyze gameplay footage in real-time and then send commands to the game based on that footage. This basically gave the player lightning-fast reflexes and perfect aim, just like an aimbot, and because it just required gameplay footage and not access to actual game code, it could work on consoles too.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the next generation of cheating now available on console, and has been for a while but lately its been becoming more popular and more of a trend, consoles are no longer a safe space to play your games legit anymore

— Anti-Cheat Police Department ?️ (@AntiCheatPD) July 5, 2021

You still needed a PC to run the program and a capture card to feed in the game footage, but there was nothing stopping it from working on consoles.

Activision was quick to take down the YouTube videos advertising the existence of User Vision Pro, and now it seems like Activision has also contacted the developer to take down the program’s website and cause all development to cease.

The User Vision Pro website now has a simple message from lone developer USER101 saying that they never intended “to do anything illegal” and have ceased all development after being contacted by Activision.

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“At the request of Activision Publishing, Inc ('Activision'), I will no longer be developing or providing access to software that could be used to exploit their games,” wrote USER101. “My intent was never to do anything illegal.”

Although the User Vision Pro ad stated that the program was “coming soon,” USER101 said that they never published the program. That’s a big win for Activision to keep Warzone clean of hackers.

But that doesn't mean Warzone is entirely safe. Glitches can be just as annoying as hackers, although the latest bug seems at least as amusing as it is distressing. Players are parachuting into the Gulag to dispatch unarmed opponents awaiting their second chance at life. It’s not really fair for a fully-loaded Warzone player to wander up and waste a prisoner, but it is pretty funny.

Thanks, Eurogamer!

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