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Netflix Confirms Expansion Into Gaming With Initial Focus On Mobile

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The gaming world has been abuzz with rumors and reports that Netflix, the pioneer in movie and television streaming, will soon be getting into the gaming space. Joining the ranks of other tech companies like Google, Amazon and Apple, it seems the media giant will try and carve out their own niche in the gaming world. Today, we found out a little more about what those plans are, but only a little.

Netflix released their latest financial reports, and within confirmed the long rumored game expansion as detailed by VGC. The initial focus will be on mobile game, though it’s unclear at this time if they will start with only mobile titles or possibly console titles with just more focus on iOS and Android. Within the report, they said they view the expansion into gaming similar to their expansions into original television and movie content, something the company has invested in heavily into over the last few years as other major companies such as Disney have created their own rival streaming services.

They are no details about what games will be included and what the overall plan is, whether these are games that will be based on Netflix IP (such as the previous Stranger Things games) or original properties or a mixture of both. It is said that games will be included with subscriptions at no additional charge. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.

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