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Overwatch Chart Reveals The Most Hated Heroes In The Game

Overwatch may have a massive roster full of heroes, but that does not mean that all of them are popular. In fact, just about every Overwatch fan could likely share a hero they dislike playing with or against, something that has resulted in an interesting post on Reddit.

Earlier this year, data revealed the most popular heroes in Overwatch. Gathered by looking at each character’s overall use in Overwatch League matches, the data showed how pro players view each hero. With this in mind, characters like D.Va topped the list, with Zenyatta and Winston getting a respectable position on the list as well. Unsurprisingly, niche heroes like Bastion, Torbjorn, and Symmetra found themselves at the bottom in terms of pick rate, as high-level players can counter them easily. However, while this offered one perspective, the casual player base has shared a graph of its own.

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Redditor MEDVEDx64 has compiled data from a Reddit post which asked Overwatch players what hero they hated the most. Obviously, this resulted in a small sample size, as a fairly low number of gamers saw the post and shared their thoughts. Still, even with a low number of participants, the data is interesting. While some hero positions make sense, others are a bit shocking, making the chart worthy of a look. While the original post may have only brought in a few dozen comments, it seems like many more players are interested in the tallied responses.

The most hated heroes from

Unsurprisingly, the Overwatch hero Widowmaker tops the list as the most hated hero. With a good Widowmaker being deadly, and a weak Widowmaker being useless, the hate comes from several angles. The combo-using Doomfist is up next, while the rocket queen Pharah’s flight earns her a third place position. Intriguingly, Bastion is in fourth, which could be due to him being a pain to deal with at low skill levels. However, high level players have wanted a rework for years, and his uselessness in competitive play may have contributed to some of the votes as well.

While the tanky Roadhog rounds out the top 5, things begin to get interesting in the next few positions. The beloved hero Mercy earns herself a spot in the top 10, which is a bit of a surprise. Equally shocking is that Mei is so low. She ends up at 17 on this ranking, which is surprising given how many players hate Mei. As pointed out by izeil1, the fact that there is an entire subreddit dedicated to watching Mei die speaks volumes about how unpopular she is.

Comment from discussion izeil1's comment from discussion "The most hated heroes".

Perhaps with a larger sample size like the Overwatch League had to work with, Mei would have gotten more votes and Mercy would have received less. Regardless, the graph is intriguing, and Overwatch 2’s hero reworks should only shake things up further.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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